Room Service - Marina Vendrell Deck

(Marina Vendrell | Art by: Jack Hughes)

What's Your Favorite Room In The House?

Maybe it's your home office? They're usually calm and relaxed and built to increase productivity. It might be a living room with big couches and a large television. Or maybe it's the kitchen, full of snacks. It's actually the Central Elevator // Promising Stairs, because it wins the game.

Hello everyone, my name is Nick, and we're back with another deck tech! This time we're featuring a Marina Vendrell room service deck. We're trying to win the game by building a house, and if the worst happens, we will use the building blocks of our estate to beat our opponents in the style of Beauty and the Beast gone wrong.


So, how do we build our house...of horrors? At its core, this deck looks much like a typical Enchantress deck.

These Enchantress cards keep our building going steadily so we can finish the project by the agreed-upon deadline. Sythis, Harvest's Hand, is the foreman of the deck on this job. Not only does she draw us cards, but she keeps us nice and healthy with a steady stream of life gain.

The more of these cards we can get out on the job at a time, the better every card in this deck gets.

Building Materials

Houses, like enchantments, can be expensive. While I'm unsure how to reduce the cost of a home, I do know how to do it for this deck. Herald of the Pantheon and brand new card Inquisitive Glimmer both give us a nice reduction on the cost of our cards. Inquisitive Glimmer does double duty to make unlocking our rooms cheaper.

Wildsear, Scouring Maw turns all the enchantments we cast from our hand into a bonus card thanks to cascade. Composer of Spring lets us put a land and potentially a creature onto the battlefield every time we trigger constellation.

15 Bedrooms

The point of this deck is to play as many of the new enchantment sub-type, Rooms, as possible to synergize with Marina Vendrell and her ability to unlock and relock them and find them off her enter-the-battlefield (ETB) trigger. The easiest thing is to find the Rooms. After all, most of them are on the main floor and across the hall from one another. Conjurer's Closet, Thassa, Deep-Dwelling and Teleportation Circle allow us to have Marina enter repeatedly.

Inside all of the Rooms, we have endless possibilities. With Rooms, we have two choices when we cast them. Whatever side we pay the mana for gives us that ability when it enters. The other side remains locked. The locked Room must have the mana cost paid for after it has entered or be unlocked with some effect, like with our Commander, Marina Vendrell. If a Room gets blinked or enters in some way where it is not cast, both haves are locked until the mana cost is paid. So what are the best Rooms?

Master Bedroom, Master Bathroom, Walk-in Closet

The "best" Room in the deck is

. It can get us any other Room we might need from the deck and is the primary way we want to try and win the game. Next up is the
. This does wonders for helping with our five-color mana base. Finally is the actual
. This allows us to replay lands that end up in our graveyard and a way to recast cards if they were to get destroyed or be used again.

Home Office, Guest Room, Guest Bathroom

One of the more expensive rooms in the house is the guest room,

. It's a conditional but needed wrath effect and a way to protect our deck, which is full of permanents that we do not want getting destroyed.
offers us single target removal and life gain that can be used to help buffer paying life to cast a spell off the access maze half.
might not look impressive, but additional draws could be game-changing when we cast any non-enchantment permanents.

Clean Your Room

Sometimes, you let your room get messy, and it might need a good clean. So, if we can't win with our Rooms, how can we use our Rooms to win the game? The most efficient way would be to turn those rooms into creatures and turn them sideways. First up

. The new school version of another card in this deck, Opalescence, Starfield gets us back an enchantment and turns all those sitting on the board into a fighting force. Bello, Bard of the Brambles turns our enchantments into 4/4s with indestructible, haste, and card draw. Finally, Zur, Eternal Schemer can animate and enchantment for 1 at a time while giving your enchantment creatures deathtouch, lifelink, and hexproof.

There are instances where we might not be able to, or might not want to, attack with our enchantments-turned-creatures. In that case, archetype all-stars Sigil of the Empty Throne and Archon of Sun's Grace paired with newcomers Hallowed Haunting andGhostly Dancers give us expendable creatures to do battle instead.

Doomwake Giant allows us to clear out small pesky creatures that can get in our way. Grim Guardian will enable us to chip away at the life totals of the table as the game goes on. Staying alive until we can set up a win is also an essential part of the deck, and Sphere of Safety makes attacking us nearly impossible for some decks. Yenna, Redtooth Regent can take any of these effects and give us a bonus copy to up the shenanigans we're capable of.

Home Repairs

Every home will suffer some damage over time and there is little that this deck can do against something like Farewell. If the table decides to put our enchantments into the graveyard though, we can fix it.

These cards allow us to bring back our enchantments in one big swing. Replenish is the best of the bunch, thanks to the mana cost, but it is the most expensive in real-world price. A spicy addition in Redress Fate acting as one of the best top decks you could imagine. Suppose we are in a super late game with all the mana at our fingertips. Dance of the Manse gives us both reanimation and transformation by bringing everything back and making them permanently 4/4 creatures.

Heated Bathroom Floors

Serra's Sanctum is one particular card I need to call out from the deck. It's a card from one of the most powerful cycles in the game's history. The white representative for the cycle of cards featuring:

Tolarian Academy is so strong it is banned in the format. There is also Shivan Gorge, which is, I promise, the actual final card in this cycle, and I want everyone to let that sink in. Serra's Sanctum is super powerful, even more so in this deck, which features 36 enchantments. It is also a card on the Reserved List, and check any place that sells you MagicĀ cards and you will see why it'll not often be present at a table across from you. It's that one particular thing that is present in a house that makes everyone a little bit jealous.

Making the House a Home

Marina Vendrell is an excellent new commander, and the Rooms have a cool twist on enchantments. This deck might catch the unexpected table by surprise but it is a bit fragile with the reliance on one type of card. I think rooms will be seen for a long time, and unlike Battles, jamming all of the Rooms into one deck leads to more synergy and less of a pile of cards that might do good things but might not do good things together.

Here's the deck list! What do you think? Will you be building a Marina Vendrell deck?

Deck List

View this decklist on Archidekt

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Player and lover of all Magic the Gathering formats. Forged in the fires of Oath of the Gatewatch expeditions. Always down to jam games with anyone and everyone. When not playing Magic I am doing something else equally, if not more nerdy.

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