Rashmi gets the ultra-budget treatment!
Lab Maniacs - cEDH Deck Tech: 4c Rashmi AKA Curious Control
Sigi is joined by Dan as they talk about Sigi's deck 4c Rashmi, or as they are now calling it, Curious Control. This is a Paradox Scepter Thrasios Control deck that uses incremental card advantage to bury your opponents. You can find the deck here: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/4c-rashmi-curious-control/ If you have questions ask them on our Discord […]
Will War of the Spark Make "Oops, All Planeswalkers" Viable in All Colors?
Will the new War of the Spark planeswalkers make all-planeswalker decks possible?
#aminatou the fateshifter, #angus mackenzie, #archangel avacyn, #captain sisay, #diaochan artful beauty, #djeru with eyes open, #eight-and-a-half-tails, #erebos god of the dead, #freyalise llanowars fury, #ghave guru of spores, #gwafa hazid profiteer, #horobi deaths wail, #jace vryns prodigy, #Jace wielder of mysteries, #kaervek the merciless, #kazuul tyrant of the cliffs, #krav the unredeemed, #maelstrom wanderer, #mathas fiend seeker, #mazirek kraul death priest, #mina and denn wildborn, #mirri weatherlight duelist, #Narset, #narset enlightened master, #niambi faithful healer, #nicol bolas the ravager, #nissa vastwood seer, #omnath locus of rage, #Oops all planeswalkers, #patron of the moon, #pir imaginative rascal, #planeswalkers, #radha heir to keld, #Rakdos the Showstopper, #rashmi eternities crafter, #regna the redeemer, #rith the awakener, #rona disciple of gix, #rowan kenrith, #saheeli the gifted, #savra queen of the golgari, #shalai voice of plenty, #superfriends, #taigam sidisis hand, #tasigur the golden fang, #temmet vizier of naktamun, #teysa orzhov scion, #tiana ships caretaker, #toothy imaginary friend, #vaevictis asmadi the dire, #vela the night-clad, #vhati il-dal, #vial smasher the fierce, #war of the spark, #will kenrith, #zacama primal calamity, #zo-zu the punisher Read More »
Siberian89 - Rashmi Plasmatrice di Eternita: Combo + Eldrazi Control
L'avete richiesta e vi ho ascoltato! Ecco approdate Rashmi Plasmatrice di Eternità su questa serie di Commander Deck Tech! Ecco la playlist con tutte le commander video deck tech: - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Il video spiega velocemente la strategia del mazzo e il motivo dell'inclusione di alcune carte chiave. Potete trovare ben due deck list complete subito […]
#combo, #control, #eldrazi, #rashmi eternities crafter, #simic Read More »
MTG Muddstah — Rakdos vs Rashmi vs Kangee vs Firesong & Sunspeaker
►Like what you see? Why not subscribe: http://bit.ly/1MhSmfN ►You can now support me through Patreon: http://bit.ly/2k6NJtf ►New videos every Monday / Thursday at 11AM EST (Eastern Standard Time) ►Watch me play EDH / CMDR on Twitch: http://bit.ly/2puY8BD ►You can now buy MTG Muddstah playmats: http://bit.ly/2omrWBl ►Richard Kane Ferguson mats: https://bit.ly/2I91rKA New commanders make me so […]
#firesong and sunspeaker, #kangee aerie keeper, #rakdos lord of riots, #rashmi eternities crafter Read More »
MTG Muddstah — Rashmi vs Etalie vs Jaya vs Multani
►Like what you see? Why not subscribe: http://bit.ly/1MhSmfN ►You can now support me through Patreon: http://bit.ly/2k6NJtf ►New videos every Monday / Thursday at 11AM EST (Eastern Standard Time) ►Watch me play EDH / CMDR on Twitch: http://bit.ly/2puY8BD ►You can now buy MTG Muddstah playmats: http://bit.ly/2omrWBl Rashmi: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/rashmi... Etali: Has been made into a Firesong deck.... […]
#etali primal storm, #jaya ballard task mage, #mtg muddstah, #multani maro-sorcerer, #rashmi eternities crafter Read More »
Commander VS S8E2 — Atogatog vs Rashmi vs Sigarda vs Kozilek
Subscribe to us for more Magic content: https://www.youtube.com/user/starcity... Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/starcitygames Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/starcitygames Follow the SCGTour on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/scgtour The official Youtube Channel of StarCityGames.com, the world's largest Magic: The Gathering retailer! Your source for Commander VS Series Videos, archived Premium Video content, and match replays from SCGTour, the webcast of the SCGTour and […]
#atogatog, #chairs, #commander vs, #kozilek the great distortion, #rashmi eternities crafter, #sigarda herons grace Read More »