MTG Specs - In Defence of Simic Design / Nadu, Winged Wisdom / Modern horizons 3 / Magic: the Gathering

It's Modern Horizons 3 spoiler season and this is a video for Nadu, Winged Wisdom, a Simic legendary that is causing quite a commotion among EDH players! Don't get me wrong - this is one of the most bewildering designs I've seen in Magic: the Gathering for a long time but I've reconciled that by considering which players it is aimed at. I include two commander lists - one that embraces the busted, another that uses energy counters, a weak strategy made better by a strong commander.

List one: Busted Nadu

List two: Energy counters Nadu
(I originally tried to make Homunculus typal work - even Nadu could not save it)

00:00 Simic sucks
01:13 Simic supports new players
01:51 Introducing Nadu
02:30 The BUSTED list
04:57 The CASUAL list
07:19 Wrap up and a question for you

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