Cut-Rate Commander - Cut-Rate Commander | Peace Offering Precon Upgrade Guide

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Cut-Rate Commander - Precon Upgrade Guide for the Peace Offering Precon from Bloomburrow & its commander - Ms. Bumbleflower. #mtg #commander #edh #mtgbloomburrow

Hey folks! Submitted for your approval, we have the 1st precon upgrade guide for the Bloomburrow Set - this time covering the Peace Offering precon and its face commander – the ever attentive proprietor of the most popular inn in Three Tree City - Ms. Bumbleflower.

In this upgrade, we’ll be leaning even more into the group hug aspect of the base build – particularly is ability to give our opponents cards – in order for us to generate value as our opponents draw/play those cards. Primarily be doing this bolstering the number of payoffs in the build that benefit us from our opponents drawing excess cards & casting excess spells to generate us even more value than what we’re giving them, and then using that value to either empower our enable our +1/+1 counter game & win through turning our creatures sidways, or use that value to proc our draw payoffs and let us draw into out alternate wincons to instead win through the sheer amount of value we can generate.

Let me know if the comments below if you agree with my choices and/or what you would add to the deck instead.

Decklist -

All art used is copyright of Wizards of the Coast
00:00 – Introduction
00:47 – Commander & Playstyle
04:49 – Upgrades
13:53 – Breakdown
17:08 – Closing Thoughts

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