Cut-Rate Commander - Runo Stromkirk | Sea Monster Reanimator | Commander | EDH | Budget | Cut-Rate Commander

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Cut-Rate Commander - Episode 34 - Featuring Runo Stromkirk
The vampiric cult leader Runo Stromkirk from Innistrad is joining us today in our latest build, where he will be summoning his master Krothuss from the depths of Nephalia to flood the surface world with long dead abominations.

Aiming to streamline Runo's transformation into Krothuss, we'll have him helm a reanimator deck focused around reanimating sea monsters - both which will enable us to get big cmc 6+ horrors of the deep into our grave for Runo to set up his transformation with and then, once Krothuss is onboard, will allow us to get them board quickly with cheap reanimation sources instead on hard casting their massive cmc costs and start flooding the board with token copies of them. From there, we just need to make to protect our board from disruption and our army of deep sea horrors will drag our opponents screaming beneath the waves.

Let me know if the comments below if you agree with my choices and/or what you would add to the deck instead. Also, let me know know who you would like to see next by voting on in the comments on the three choices of commander listed at the end of the video.

Decklist -

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