Local Game Guy - COLOR "-LESS" or COLOR "-MORE" Zhulodok, Void Gorger | Livestream Deck Tech | MTG cEDH EDH Commander
Colormore my friends, colormore... https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/color-less-or-more/
Need singles? Purchase them from TCGPlayer! (Affiliate): https://bit.ly/42tQPM3
We're going to see how strong we can make the latest Zhulodok, Void Gorger from Commander Masters as a cEDH Commander! I've got a good feeling about this one... Join the live to help construct the your next deck!
00:00:00 - Show Before the Show
00:04:49 - Zhulodok, Void Gorger 1/2
00:49:07 - BRONZE WALRUS!
00:49:35 - Zhulodok, Void Gorger 2/2
01:18:02 - The Cut
01:33:54 - Goldfishing
02:05:23 - Final Thoughts
#Zhulodok #CommanderMasters #deckbuilding #mtg #colorless #infinitecombo #livestream #LGG #commander #edh #cedh #casual #magicthegathering #decktech #localgameguy
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