Folks, check this li'l card out! It's a real doozy, doing something no other card we recall doing - take a listen or watch and hear all about the Suncleanser! Wizards gave us this card to share with you, our listeners, and the wider world. 🙂 We would be incredibly grateful to all our visitors if you contributed a buck a show - that doesn't cost you much, but it means a lot to us!
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Phil is @phildeluca
Sean is @raven_sean
Shivam is @elektrotal
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Sean is @copain26 -
Shivam is @ghirapurigears -
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Our Skype address is: commanderin.mtg.podcast
Our theme song was created for the podcast by Nate Burgess. The "guitar riff" version of the song was performed by Mike Condon (Twitter: @grayline9).
This episode was edited by David Mitchell! Our logo was created for the podcast by Mr Picto, with assistance from Kelle DeLuca.
You can find more art from Mr Picto by going to
Special thanks to tech wizzes Jessie Thomson and Graham Frank, and to Justin for the server space. Commanderin' MTG Podcast is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
© Copyright 2018 Tiny Shiny Squid, Inc.
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