Commanders Brew - Myrkul - THE ARISTOBRATS | Aristocrats & Hatebears

👀 🌟SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT🌟👀 Tune in July 12th at 8pm EST on the YouTube channel for a LIVE Brew-and-Box! I’ll be opening a box of Double Masters courtesy of The Wizard’s Tower. Then, with the help of chat, we’re going to brew a deck with it. - or as much of the box as possible

Myrkul is a fine Commander for an aristocrats deck. Or, for a hatebears deck. What if we combine them? Then this becomes an AristoBrats deck! I’ll admit there could be a clearer name, but it sounds too good to me!

0:00 Intro
1:34 The Aristo-Cards
3:02 The Brats
6:44 Green Draw
8:46 Recursion
9:34 Wraths
11:08 Armageddon?

Here's a TCGPlayer link to the deck:

If you're looking for cards from the new set, one of our decks, or anything, really, please use this link. It helps a lot!

We've got an even better deal for our Canadian listeners. Use the Wizard's Tower exclusive coupon code BREWDOUBLE to get 5% off your Magic Singles orders of $20 or more! Check it all out at!

You can always help the show directly through and get access to our discord to help us brew our decks as well as other perks!

Follow on twitter at @commandersbrew for show stuff and @seantabares for anything else.

"There It Is"
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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