Cut-Rate Commander - Cut-Rate Commander | Eluge, the Shoreless Sea

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Cut-Rate Commander - Episode 103 - Featuring Eluge, the Shoreless Sea from Bloomburrow #mtg #commander #edh #mtgbloomburrow

Hey folks! Submitted for your approval, we have a build featuring the Flood Incarnate Calamity Beast Eluge, the Shoreless Sea.

In this build, we’ll of course be aiming to get the maximum mileage out of Eluge’s even increasing instant & Sorcery cost reduction by slinging as many of those spells as possible – ideally 4 per rotation – with a emphasis on token creation (either token clones of our/our opponents creature or vanilla tokens) to help supplement the build low base creature count – most of which we should be able to cast at either a very steep discount or for completely free. Then, to both keep our commander alive & to help is spread its flood counters more rapidly (and thereby reduce our spells costs more rapidly) we’ll be adding a suite of blink effects to the build as well for maximum flood counter distribution (as well as dodging targeted removal) – ensuring our lands will be inundated with flood counter and that our opponents with will inundated with the endless flood of spells we’ll be throwing their way.

Let me know if the comments below if you agree with my choices and/or what you would add to the deck instead.

Decklist -

All art used is copyright of Wizards of the Coast
00:00 – Introduction
00:40 – Commander & Playstyle
06:06 – Creatures
10:44 - Instants
16:51 – Sorceries
19:12 - Enchantments
20:09 – Artifacts
21:20 – Lands
22:16 – Breakdown
25:27 – Closing Thoughts

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