Jumbo Commander - Sasaya Orochi Ascendant Budget Big Mana Commander Deck Tech
Sasaya Orochi Ascendant is an interesting design but once this flips the enchantment produces exponentially large amounts of mana. Now, what to do with that mana is what really makes this deck fun. Huge damage, tons of creatures, and really fun interactions. I also love how budget friendly this deck is. I added this to my cart on TCGplayer for $63.00! That's amazing.
How do I win this commander deck?!?!?!?!
Join Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/JumboCommander) for a chance to win! You also get other perks but I know you are really joining to make the channel better ... thank you Patrons!
Decklist: https://bit.ly/2CDccT7
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JumboCommander
Twitter: @JumboCommander
Email: JumboCommander@gmail.com
Mailing: Jumbo Commander
466 Foothill Blvd.#275
La Canada, CA 91011
Jumbo Commander is sponsored by TCGplayer.com
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