MTG Specs - Obeka, Splitter of Seconds / MTG Thunder Junction Spoilers / Voltron Undercity Speedrun / EDH Deck

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It's Outlaws of Thunder Junction spoilers! This is a commander deck tech for Obeka, Splitter of Seconds involving entering The Undercity and speed running around it. It is insane - first time out playing with it, I had an army of 5/4 Bloodgift Demons stacking my hand with cards courtesy of Extravagant Replication. It takes five rooms to complete The Undercity, and you'll be looping it before the end of the game, drawing cards, creating Skeletons and putting creatures from your library directly into play!

Deck list:

Mood board:

00:00 Start
00:57 Game plan
01:43 The problem
02:11 Protection, evasion and pump
02:46 Creatures that aid Obeka
04:11 Other horrible strategies!
04:50 Undercity pay offs
05:42 Steamrolling advantage
06:35 Spotlight cards
07:32 WUBRG version and outro

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