Kyle Keller
Forgotten Harvest - Phantasmic Beasts and When to Damage Them
Where the underplayed Phantoms of EDH come out for their day in the sun!
New EDHREC Feature! A Clipboard for Cards
EDHREC has a new feature that makes deckbuilding a total breeze!
Forgotten Harvest - Nefarox Enchantress
Mono-black enchantress? With Nefarox, it might just be possible.
Forgotten Harvest – Water Polo
Leviathans wearing boots, Krakens with swords, Oysters wielding hammers, and all of them on horseback!
Forgotten Harvest – Mono-Red Voltron
Kurkesh Voltron? Using some super-underplayed cards, it might just be possible.
Forgotten Harvest – Dromar's Bounce House
Exploring an underplayed commander, an underplayed strategy, and many, many underplayed cards.
Forgotten Harvest – Hellbent on Innovation
Harvesting some underplayed gems for a delicious discard deck!