Lenny Wooley
Power Sink - Narset Hot Stuff
Can Narset escape her reputation? Lenny's got some hot ideas!
Power Sink - Chulane: The White Album
Chulane is crazy powerful, but Lenny's color-cropping strategy helps make him more palatable.
Power Sink - Korvold: A Tap Dance
Korvold is always typecast as the villain, but Lenny helps him find a new role!
Power Sink - Fear and Loathing in Kaldheim
Lenny helps transform Tergrid from horrifying to helpful!
Power Sink - Urza's Gumball Machine
Lenny introduces a new series! Time to turn overpowered legends into hilariously fun commanders instead!
Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Set Review - Blue
You find the villains' lair... and it's full of blue cards? What should EDH players do with them?