Commander Quest - All My 9 Commander Decks!

Community Spotlight
Community Spotlight

I talk about all 9 of my Magic: the Gathering (MTG) Commander (EDH) Decks and my two Modern Decks in one video this includes: feather, the redeemed, Krav, the unredeemed & Regna, the Redeemer, Veyran, Voice of Duality, Kynaios and tiro of meletis, The locust god, Reyhan, last of the abzan & slurrk, all-ingesting, Najeela, the blade-blossom, Tana, the bloodsower & tymna, the weaver, General tazri, Modern zombies and Modern enchantress
The decks:
I mentioned my grouphug landfall video:
Ultimate guide to zada, hedron grinder (relevant to feather and tazri):
my slurrk and reyhan video. The audio quality is bad:
Credit music. (Lemmino has guidelines)
HOME- Before The Night- Pyxis
憂鬱 - 憂鬱 - 01 Sun.mp3
HOME - Odyssey - Oort Cloud
HOME - Odyssey - Resonance
LEMMiNO - Cipher

CC BY-SA 4.0
Some footage from archidekt.
Join my discord server
I use the playedh’s power level guidelines find them here
Commander Quest is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
0:00 intro
0:19 Feather, the redeemed
1:37 Krav, the unredeemed & Regna, the redeemer
3:28 Veyran, Voice of Duality
5:00 Kynaios and tiro of meletis
8:18 The locust god
9:26 Reyhan, last of the abzan & slurrk, all-ingesting
11:02 Najeela, the blade- blossom
12:12 Tana, the bloodsower & tymna, the weaver
13:22 General tazri
16:08 Modern zombies
16:28 Modern enchantress
17:00 outro
#MTG #EDH #Commander

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