Cut-Rate Commander - Cut-Rate Commander | Explorers of the Deep Precon Upgrade Guide

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Cut-Rate Commander - Precon Upgrade Guide for the Explorers of the Deep Precon from Lost Caverns of Ixalan & its commander - Hakbal of the Surging Soul #mtg #edh #commander #mtgixalan #mtglci

Hey folks! Submitted for your approval, we have the 4th and final precon upgrade guide for Lost Caverns of Ixalan - this time covering the Explorers of the Deep Precon and its face commander - the famed River Herald Scout - Hakbal of the Surging Soul.

In this upgrade, since the build already has a absolutely fantastic creature creature lineup and support pieces for our mefolk and +1/+1 counter gameplan right out of the box - we'll be spending just a bit of time refining our creature lineup with some powerful tribal entries that we not included in the base build to generate us more value and improve the builds constancy even further, add in a handful of tribal and +1/+1 counter support pieces to supplement the gameplan a bit more, then use the remainder of our budget to overhaul the build removal, ramp, and landbase to help bring our mana base down to bring it more in line with our low curve, aggressive playstyle - leaving us with a build that will easily be able to drown our opponents in a value of value and buffed up merfolk bodies.

Let me know if the comments below if you agree with my choices and/or what you would add to the deck instead. Also, be sure to stick around until the end to see how to enter the giveaway for your chance to win and how to unlock sweet upgrades for it too!

Decklist -

All art used is copyright of Wizards of the Coast
00:00 – Introduction
01:02 – Commander & Playstyle
06:18 – Upgrades
15:30 – Breakdown
20:10 – Closing Thoughts

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