Cut-Rate Commander - Eldrazi Unbound | Precon Upgrade Guide | Cut-Rate Commander | Commander | MTG | EDH
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Cut-Rate Commander - Precon Upgrade Guide for the Eldrazi Unbound Precon & its face commander - Zhulodok, Void Gorger - from Commander Masters #mtg #commander #edh #mtgcmm
It looks like we're going back in time on Zendikar to revisit the time where the Eldrazi Titans almost broke free the first time - where the Eldrazi Spawn Zhulodok broke into our reality and created the first vampires on the plane with its presence - all in an effort to break down the plane for its sire Ulamog.
In this Precon Upgrade – we’ll be aiming to maximize the amount of cascade value our commander provides us with by building on the base decks number of CMC 7+ spells, including massive creatures for us to build up our boardstates and big spells to provide us with disruption and/or value, as well as refining the core builds ramp package even further to ensure we can reliably reach out CMC 6 commander and then our CMC 7+ spells without bricking – ensuring that Zhulodok will have all the resources necessary to consume any opponents foolish enough to stand against it and Ulamog’s Brood.
Let me know if the comments below if you agree with my choices and/or what you would add to the deck instead. Also, let me know know who you would like to see next by voting on in the comments on the three choices of commander listed at the end of the video.
Decklist -
All art used is copyright of Wizards of the Coast
00:00 – Introduction
01:12 – Commander & Playstyle
05:19 – Keepers
16:59 – Upgrades
23:36 – Breakdown
27:02 – Closing Thoughts
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