Cut-Rate Commander - Grolnok, the Omnivore | Self-Milling Frogs | Commander | EDH | Budget | Cut-Rate Commander

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Cut-Rate Commander - Episode 38 - Featuring Grolnok, the Omnivore
The Spawn of the Gitrog monster joins us today in the latest build of Cut-Rate Commander - aiming to chew through our deck and win us the game in doing so, while getting us a whole lot of value along the way.

Striving to make the most out of commanders abilities to turn frogs into additional mill sources, we'll be running plenty of frogs and psuedo-frogs (changlings) and Grolnoks toadies to get that extra mill as they swing in, in addition to running more traditional sources of ramp, all geared towards chewing through our deck as quickly as possible while Gronlok takes those milled cards and turns them into a second had for us with no limit from exile. From there, we just need to stick a self-mill wincon on the field and protect it from destruction or recur if its destroyed, and it will only be a matter of time before our deck is all milled away and our opponents croak.

Let me know if the comments below if you agree with my choices and/or what you would add to the deck instead. Also, let me know know who you would like to see next by voting on in the comments on the three choices of commander listed at the end of the video.

Decklist -

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