Cut-Rate Commander - Titania Voice of Gaea | Lands & Self Land Destruction | Commander | EDH | Cut-Rate Commander | MTG

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Cut-Rate Commander - Episode 68 - Featuring Titania Voice of Gaea from The Brothers War
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Looks like we're going back to the Brothers War one last time and to its final battle on Argoth - where Titania and her elves made their last stand against both Urza and Mishra - bringing forth the full might of Gaea against both brothers to defend their home.

In this build, we’ll be aiming to meld Titania as quickly as possible to unlock the plethora of abilities her improved form provided (bigger statblock & keywords, Splendid Reclamation on a body, and land animation) – so we’ll be going heavy on send our own lands to be bin and tutoring the second half of her meld – Argoth, Sanctum of Nature – to do so as quickly as possible. Luckily for the first half, we have plenty of effects in our colors that allow us to sac and/or discard our own lands for value, as well as self sacing lands that can send themselves to the bin of their own accord, and the second half is almost just as easy sicne green has a plethora of non-basic land tutors to make searching up Argoth a breeze. The from there it’s just a matter of getting landfall triggers and lands matter payoffs into play to take advantage of Titania’s mass reanimation when she comes down, building up our land base to power her and our other payoffs even further, and building up our board with tokens/animated lands that we’ll power up with AOE anthems that grant trample until we’re able to overrun or opponents with the fury of Gaea herself.

Let me know if the comments below if you agree with my choices and/or what you would add to the deck instead. Also, let me know know who you would like to see next by voting on in the comments on the three choices of commander listed at the end of the video.

Decklist -

All art used is copyright of Wizards of the Coast
00:00 – Introduction
00:48 – Commander & Playstyle
06:12 – Creature
17:17 – Instant
20:26 – Sorcery
24:57 - Enchantment
27:49 – Artifact
29:44 - Planeswalker
30:49 – Land
34:17 – Breakdown
38:18 – Closing Thoughts

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