Draconic Rage Upgrade Guide

Nitpicking Nerds
Nitpicking Nerds
Draconic Rage Upgrade Guide

Welcome to the Nitpicking Nerds Precon Upgrade Guide for the Draconic Rage deck, where we showcase the full list of cuts and adds required to transform this underpowered precon into a well-oiled Dragon-making machine! 

When upgrading a preconstructed deck, it’s important to lean into the commander’s strengths and stick to a main game plan so the deck doesn’t become diluted. Cutting cards of wildly differing strategies will help keep the deck focused and increase its synergy. It’s also useful to examine the deck’s win conditions, and when possible, to include win conditions that don’t just rely on combat damage.

Vrondiss, Rage of Ancients

The main strategy this deck will employ is to assemble an unstoppable army of Dragons, enrage Vrondiss, and then utilize all of his Dragon Spirits to either attack for the win or to deal an infinite amount of noncombat damage to our opponents.

With that strategy in mind, we can start cutting cards from this precon.

Indomitable Might
Wulfgar of Icewind Dale
Shamanic Revelation

The easiest cards to cut are ones that don’t align with the deck’s game plan.

Earth-Cult Elemental
Maddening Hex
Neverwinter Hydra

This deck does not need to lean into the die-rolling subtheme that Vrondiss offers, so let’s cut down on most of it.

  • Earth-Cult ElementalEarth-Cult Elemental and Barbarian ClassBarbarian Class weren’t even good in Adventures in the Forgotten Realms draft, so we definitely don’t want them here.
  • Sword of HoursSword of Hours, Maddening HexMaddening Hex, and Bag of TricksBag of Tricks may roll dice, but they take away from our Dragon tribal theme and won’t help us go infinite with Vrondiss.
  • Berserker’s FrenzyBerserker’s Frenzy and Neverwinter HydraNeverwinter Hydra are cool, but seem to be much too weak for this upgrade. We’re trying to make this deck into a powerhouse!

Gruul Signet
Arcane Signet
Commander’s Sphere

This is a green deck, so we don’t need that silly artifact ramp! We have access to dozens of more effective cards, so Gruul SignetGruul Signet, Arcane SignetArcane Signet, Commander’s SphereCommander’s Sphere, and ExploreExplore are all getting cut.

Shivan Hellkite
Demanding Dragon
Warstorm Surge

We’re all for playing Dragons in our Dragon tribal decks, but they have to be high-impact. Shivan HellkiteShivan Hellkite, Demanding DragonDemanding Dragon, Skyship StalkerSkyship Stalker, and Chameleon ColossusChameleon Colossus have little to no power in Commander and need to go. Heirloom BladeHeirloom Blade is awesome in the right tribe, but Dragons are a little too pricey for this equipment to do good work.


Lastly, the lands need to be addressed. There were far too many basic lands, so we cut a whopping 7 ForestForests and 5 MountainMountains.

Now that all the stinkers are out of this deck, it’s time to embrace our Dragon tribal theme and power things up a bit. After all, we’re looking to trigger a lot of Enrage.

Ulvenwald Tracker
Fiery Confluence

Nature’s Claim
Sakura-Tribe Elder

Overwhelming Stampede
Anara, Wolvid Familiar
Dragon Tempest

Now for the fun part: winning the game. If you aren’t closing things out with a lethal Overwhelming StampedeOverwhelming Stampede to buff all our Dragon Spirit tokens, then you’re going to be making Vrondiss indestructible with Anara, Wolvid FamiliarAnara, Wolvid Familiar or Heroic InterventionHeroic Intervention. Once that happens, you can use any two effects like Dragon TempestDragon Tempest or Terror of the PeaksTerror of the Peaks (The deck also contains Warstorm SurgeWarstorm Surge, Scourge of ValkasScourge of Valkas, and Outpost SiegeOutpost Siege for similar effects) to create a loop. A creature enters and damages your indestructible Vrondiss, who makes a 5/4. The 5/4 enters and deals damage to Vrondiss and an opponent, since you have two payoffs, and the cycle continues until you win! In some cases, the second damage dealer can be swapped for a haste enabler, depending on if the damage dealer has the tokens dishing out damage or not.

Kessig Wolf Run
Tyrite Sanctum
Stomping Ground

Time to replace all those basic lands we cut.

That’s all of the adds and cuts for the Draconic Rage precon. Use these new cards to assemble a Dragon army and deal millions of damage to your opponents!

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