Into the 99 - Be'lakor vs Oloro vs Thraximundar vs Niv mizzet nd Jegantha - Into The 99 Live edh Ep 6 Planeschase

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Into the 99 - Be'lakor vs Oloro vs Thraximundar vs Niv mizzet nd Jegantha - Into The 99 Live edh Ep 6 Planeschase

On this live game play episode we have a planeschase game !
Be'lakor, the Dark Master vs Thraximundar vs Oloro, Ageless Ascetic vs Niv-Mizzet Reborn and
Jegantha, the Wellspring

Be'lakor, the Dark Master - this is the warhammer 40k precon. It is a demon based deck with aspects of chaos and is being played badly by Daniel

Thraximundar - this is a zombie tribal deck being played by our friend Logan

Oloro, Ageless Ascetic - This is a life gain theme deck being played by our friend Alex

Niv-Mizzet Reborn and Jegantha, the Wellspring - This is a deck looking to take advantage of two color guild pairings and plays tons of artifacts. It is being played by our friend Greg

Tell us in the comments who you thought was going to take the game in this is weeks episode!

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Track: ROY KNOX - Lost In Sound
Music Provided By: Magic Records
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