Into the 99 - Kambal vs Aragorn vs Anikthea vs Smeagol - Into the 99 Live Edh s2 e4

The face to face event was a blast and we are rolling some more games from it we have

Kambal vs Aragorn vs Anikthea vs Smeagol in this week's game play ! We are joined again by Stefan from last week's video ! This game was a bit of a mismatch power wise but it lol aĆ 
Anikthea, Hand Or Erebos - This is an enchantment themed token deck that can reanimate your enchantments into powerful zombies. It is being played by Stefan

Smeagol, Helpful Guide - This deck uses Smeagols about to take lands from opponents and ramps us extremely hard. It is being played by Sherman

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