Into the 99 - Kwain vs Lavinia vs Edgar Markov vs Ogniss -Into The 99 Live edh Ep 16
On this weeks game we have a four way brawl between vampires, stax, haste and draw. This game REALLY had some grind in it
Ognis, the Dragon's Lash - This is a deck that cares about creatures with haste generating treasure tokens. It is being played by our friend Sherman
Edgar Markov - This is a vampire deck that generates tons of tokens with the eminince ability of the commander. It is being played by Brian
Lavinia, Azorius Renegade - This is a control deck that attempts to lock the game out and control the board state with Lavinias ability to stop free cost spells. It is being played by our friend Dean.
Kwain, Itinerant Meddler - This is a group hug themed draw deck that enables the table to draw cards and gain life. It is being played by Daniel.
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