The Cycle Unbroken
My love of the cycling mechanic is well-documented. How well-documented? Well, I mentioned it at least once, in the cycling subsection of my Hapatra article. What? That's not enough documentation for you? Fine! Then I'll make an entire list based around cycling, and I'll base it on one of my favorite Commander decks: Alesha Cycling!
Committing strongly to a theme is an excellent strategy for budget deckbuilding. Oftentimes, it allows us to use cards that might be thought of as subpar or suboptimal, but are greater than the sum of their parts when brought together. I might argue that cycling is the best example of this: thanks to Amonkhet and the forthcoming Hour of Devastation, we'll have four blocks worth of cards with cycling and cycling-matters effects. Also, with the notable exception of the recently-bought-out FluctuatorFluctuator, all of these cycling cards are quite inexpensive.
With the cycling mechanic appearing frequently in all five colors, why build with Alesha? Because, dear reader, this is going to be a Cycling Reanimator deck. Our Plan A has us pitching creature after creature into our graveyard until we dig up a spell to spontaneously bring them all back to life. We'll insert some other cycling and Alesha strategies into our deck list as well.
Cycling Down
Noble Templar art by Alex Horley
We need a great many creatures with cycling to reach a critical mass of creatures for reanimation. There exists a cycle (a cycling cycle, if you will) of creatures that pitch for a basic land type: Chartooth CougarChartooth Cougar, Noble TemplarNoble Templar, and Twisted AbominationTwisted Abomination. In a deck with a slightly higher budget, those landcycling effects pair well with "shocklands" (e.g. Blood CryptBlood Crypt) and "tangolands" (e.g. Smoldering MarshSmoldering Marsh). If nothing else, our deck will include Canyon SloughCanyon Slough as a thematic land.
I'm including three cards capable of mass reanimation: Twilight's CallTwilight's Call, Living DeathLiving Death, and Grimoire of the DeadGrimoire of the Dead. Living DeathLiving Death doubles as a boardwipe, and will be especially effective when combined with graveyard hate like Bojuka BogBojuka Bog or Scarab FeastScarab Feast. Grimoire of the DeadGrimoire of the Dead, while slow to reach critical mass, lets us discard creatures for Alesha to pull back on her own.
Slide to the Left
Lightning Rift art by Eric Peterson
A board full of creatures isn't the only way for our deck to win: there exist numerous cards that reward us just for the act of cycling. Perhaps the most powerful among them is Astral SlideAstral Slide. I've had opponents underestimate the versatility of this enchantment, and they soon regretted it. It staves off voltron commanders, it kills creature tokens, and it reuses our enter-the-battlefield effects, which we normally would repeat by using Alesha.
You might remember Archfiend of IfnirArchfiend of Ifnir from last week's article: he'll shrink and eventually remove our opponents' creatures. Both Lightning RiftLightning Rift and Faith of the DevotedFaith of the Devoted can grind our opponents down, though I tend to use the former mostly for creature spot removal. While not a card that explicitly calls out cycling, Spirit CairnSpirit Cairn plays well with our strategies, whether we want tokens for attacking or just for SkullclampSkullclamp food.
Keep Smiling
Our dominant themes of cycling and reanimation only rarely intersect at our commander. Alesha interacts periodically with small creatures, while our reanimation effects aim to summon numerous large creatures. Furthermore, almost none of the cycling creatures have useful enter-the-battlefield abilities. As a result, I want to include a few creatures to interact with Alesha, which still plays into a broader reanimation strategy, and makes the deck more flexible in 1v1 scenarios. AnarchistAnarchist is useful to rebuy reanimation spells or removal: at worst, we cycle a card again. Duergar Hedge-MageDuergar Hedge-Mage provides removal that, if repeated, will frequently devastate artifact or enchantment decks. Viscera SeerViscera Seer is a critical sacrifice outlet for reusing creatures, or sacrificing all of our creatures prior to a Living DeathLiving Death.
Flayer of the HateboundFlayer of the Hatebound and Warstorm SurgeWarstorm Surge play two different-but-useful roles depending on the situation: when we rely primarily on Alesha, we have spot creature removal or a method of whittling away at an opponent's life total. When we mass-reanimate, we might kill an opponent outright.
Land and Sun
Canyon Slough art by Titus Lunter
It has been far too long since I last discussed toolboxing. What's that? It's only been two articles? Yes, like I said, too long! First up: our land toolbox with Expedition MapExpedition Map. At base, a cycling deck tends towards numerous nonbasic lands, because having cycling on our lands (see: Secluded SteppeSecluded Steppe, Ash BarrensAsh Barrens) is excellent. I've included a nice selection of other toolbox lands: black staple Bojuka BogBojuka Bog for graveyard hate, High MarketHigh Market for a sac outlet, Geier Reach SanitariumGeier Reach Sanitarium to discard reanimation targets, Hanweir BattlementsHanweir Battlements to grant haste, and Rogue's PassageRogue's Passage to help Alesha connect.
In collecting cycling cards to act as removal, I found a handful of instants that could be fetched with SunforgerSunforger, so I built a small SunforgerSunforger package into our deck. Forsake the WorldlyForsake the Worldly deals with artifacts and enchantments, for example, and Radiant's JudgmentRadiant's Judgment removes a subset of problematic creatures. I added an Utter EndUtter End– say that ten times fast– as a removal catch-all.
The Sideways Strat – Lock and Cycle
Some of my 1v1 Alesha successes have come on the back of... not particularly fun lines of play. Like, say, repeated Avalanche RidersAvalanche Riders until my opponent was no longer in the game. If you're interested in committing to the grindier side of Magic, I envision a tweaked version of this list, perhaps with an increased emphasis on Astral SlideAstral Slide to flicker cards like Avalanche RidersAvalanche Riders, DuplicantDuplicant, NekrataalNekrataal, and Sin CollectorSin Collector. Even without Astral SlideAstral Slide, Alesha and a sac outlet can make these effects repeatable. Those wishing to utilize Astral SlideAstral Slide may also consider Zur the EnchanterZur the Enchanter and his cycling-themed decks.
Checking Out
Alesha <i>cycling</i>
View on ArchidektCommander (1)
- 1 Alesha, Who Smiles at DeathAlesha, Who Smiles at Death
Creatures (28)
- 1 AnarchistAnarchist
- 1 Archfiend of IfnirArchfiend of Ifnir
- 1 Burnished HartBurnished Hart
- 1 Chartooth CougarChartooth Cougar
- 1 Desert CerodonDesert Cerodon
- 1 Disciple of BolasDisciple of Bolas
- 1 Duergar Hedge-Mage (CMD)Duergar Hedge-Mage (CMD)
- 1 Eternal Dragon (C13)Eternal Dragon (C13)
- 1 Fiend HunterFiend Hunter
- 1 Flayer of the HateboundFlayer of the Hatebound
- 1 Hellraiser GoblinHellraiser Goblin
- 1 Horror of the Broken LandsHorror of the Broken Lands
- 1 Igneous PouncerIgneous Pouncer
- 1 Mirror Entity (C16)Mirror Entity (C16)
- 1 Noble TemplarNoble Templar
- 1 Oketra's AttendantOketra's Attendant
- 1 Ponyback BrigadePonyback Brigade
- 1 Ridge Rannet (ALA)Ridge Rannet (ALA)
- 1 Ruthless SniperRuthless Sniper
- 1 Scion of Darkness (LGN)Scion of Darkness (LGN)
- 1 Stoic Champion (LGN)Stoic Champion (LGN)
- 1 Twisted AbominationTwisted Abomination
- 1 Undead GladiatorUndead Gladiator
- 1 Viscera DraggerViscera Dragger
- 1 Viscera SeerViscera Seer
- 1 Wasteland ScorpionWasteland Scorpion
- 1 Winged ShepherdWinged Shepherd
- 1 Yoked PlowbeastYoked Plowbeast
Artifacts (7)
- 1 Expedition MapExpedition Map
- 1 Grimoire of the DeadGrimoire of the Dead
- 1 Key to the CityKey to the City
- 1 Orzhov Signet (MM3)Orzhov Signet (MM3)
- 1 SunforgerSunforger
- 1 Swiftfoot BootsSwiftfoot Boots
- 1 Whispersilk CloakWhispersilk Cloak
Enchantments (7)
- 1 Astral Slide (ONS)Astral Slide (ONS)
- 1 Cast OutCast Out
- 1 Faith of the DevotedFaith of the Devoted
- 1 Lightning Rift (ONS)Lightning Rift (ONS)
- 1 Spirit Cairn (JUD)Spirit Cairn (JUD)
- 1 Vampiric RitesVampiric Rites
- 1 Warstorm Surge (C13)Warstorm Surge (C13)
Instants (8)
- 1 Akroma's BlessingAkroma's Blessing
- 1 ExpungeExpunge
- 1 Forsake the WorldlyForsake the Worldly
- 1 Radiant's JudgmentRadiant's Judgment
- 1 Scarab FeastScarab Feast
- 1 ScrapScrap
- 1 Shadow of the GraveShadow of the Grave
- 1 Utter EndUtter End
Sorceries (11)
- 1 Akroma's Vengeance (ONS)Akroma's Vengeance (ONS)
- 1 Decree of Justice (DDO)Decree of Justice (DDO)
- 1 Decree of Pain (C13)Decree of Pain (C13)
- 1 Grave UpheavalGrave Upheaval
- 1 Ichor SlickIchor Slick
- 1 Limits of SolidarityLimits of Solidarity
- 1 Living Death (CMD)Living Death (CMD)
- 1 Marshaling CryMarshaling Cry
- 1 Starstorm (C14)Starstorm (C14)
- 1 Twilight's Call (DDJ)Twilight's Call (DDJ)
- 1 Wander in DeathWander in Death
Lands (38)
- 1 Ash BarrensAsh Barrens
- 1 Barren Moor (C15)Barren Moor (C15)
- 1 Blasted Landscape (C15)Blasted Landscape (C15)
- 1 Bloodfell CavesBloodfell Caves
- 1 Bojuka BogBojuka Bog
- 1 Canyon SloughCanyon Slough
- 1 Drifting Meadow (C15)Drifting Meadow (C15)
- 1 Exotic OrchardExotic Orchard
- 1 Forgotten Cave (C15)Forgotten Cave (C15)
- 1 Geier Reach SanitariumGeier Reach Sanitarium
- 1 Hanweir BattlementsHanweir Battlements
- 1 High MarketHigh Market
- 1 Nomad OutpostNomad Outpost
- 1 Orzhov BasilicaOrzhov Basilica
- 1 Polluted Mire (C15)Polluted Mire (C15)
- 1 Rogue's PassageRogue's Passage
- 1 Scoured BarrensScoured Barrens
- 1 Secluded Steppe (C15)Secluded Steppe (C15)
- 1 Sejiri SteppeSejiri Steppe
- 1 Smoldering Crater (C15)Smoldering Crater (C15)
- 1 Wind-Scarred CragWind-Scarred Crag
- 6 PlainsPlains
- 6 SwampSwamp
- 5 MountainMountain
Circling the Drain
The cycle of affordable decks stretches on! Alesha cycling checks out for $50.00 by TCG Mid pricing. I hope you appreciated my continued fangirling over the cycling mechanic. Have a killer cycling deck of your own? Want to lodge a complaint about your friend who locked you down with Astral SlideAstral Slide? I can be conveniently contacted via Tumblr, Twitter, or email. Until next we meet, enjoy your time browsing the Low Market.
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