MTG Lexicon - Commander/EDH Gameplay | S3E50.2 - Djeru VS Skullbriar VS Ramos VS Tawnos | Paper MTG FFA

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MTG Lexicon - Commander/EDH Gameplay | S3E50.2 - Djeru VS Skullbriar VS Ramos VS Tawnos | Paper MTG FFA

Tonight's battle is a 4-player free-for-all Commander game featuring Djeru, With Eyes Open (Guest Pax) VS Ramos, Dragon Engine (Host Dale) VS Skullbriar, the Walking Grave (Host Matt G) VS Tawnos, Urza's Apprentice (Guest Matt H). Read on to get the goods.

Decklists can be found here:
Djeru, With Eyes Open ►►
Ramos, Dragon Engine ►►
Skullbriar, the Walking Grave ►►
Tawnos, Urza's Apprentice ►►

Shared sheet with most of the decks used on stream ►►

►► This is another game of commander taken directly from our streams. You can join us live each Saturday from around 6pm-2am PT at where we bring physical games of EDH/commander (and sometimes other formats) to the internet.

!~~~~~! Who are we? !~~~~~!
►► Welcome to MTG Lexicon! We are THE Dive Bar of MTG, bringing you filthy, drunken, casual content! We revel in the gathering aspect of MagicTheGathering and emphasize fun plays over cut-throat decisions. We mostly play intoxicated, but we want to hear from you about any mistakes we make or ways we can improve. We're here for you, the community. #WeAreMTG

►► MTG Lexicon's hosts include Brandon G (The Producer), Nick S (NBKSHREDDER), Nick G (g3), Johnny V (HorseFatherDeluxe), Jeff (AKA Jeff), Matt G (MattInTheChat), AND CHYA BOY DALE (Daledoe Baggins). We, along with our rotating cast of guests, are playing physical games of MTG. We are live, unscripted, and most assuredly NOT sober.

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►► MTG Lexicon is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

►► Some of the great tunes you hear in the background come from the beautiful folks at Rare Nnudes, Himeko Katagiri, Ghost Note Ensemble, and Girl Scout. You can find their music over at bandcamp:

►► Multistreaming with
►► Watch live at Saturdays from around 6pm-2am PT -- Watch live at

#EDH #Commander #Djeru #Ramos #Skullbriar #Tawnos #gameplay

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