MTG Specs - Cloning Legends and Dealing Damage with Zinnia, Valley's Voice / Magic the Gathering Commander Deck

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MTG Specs - Cloning Legends and Dealing Damage with Zinnia, Valley's Voice / Magic the Gathering Commander Deck

Zinnia's Offspring ability works in the late game when we have kicker mana to spare but what about the turns leading up to it? Enter clones! We keep parity with our opponents by cloning their resources or making more of ours and with powerful control pieces and an amazing mass recursion spell, we take to the skies and seal the deal.

Deck list:

Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound

Time stamps:
00:00 I didn't like the precon
01:23 Deal a lot of damage
02:34 The legend rule does not apply
03:41 Multiple legends
05:08 Creatures we'd like to copy
08:51 Clones
10:58 He Protec, He Attac
12:04 Removal
13:19 Recur, Draw, Ramp
17:28 Outro

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