MTG Specs - Shelob, Child of Ungoliant: EDH Commander Deck Tech: House of Middle Earth / Lord of the Rings

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MTG Specs - Shelob, Child of Ungoliant: EDH Commander Deck Tech: House of Middle Earth / Lord of the Rings

A commander deck tech for Shelob, Child of Ungoliant from The Lord of The Rings Magic: The Gathering Set. Focused on a token and voltron game plan.

Check out the other LOTR deck techs for Aragorn, the Uniter and Tom Bombadil.

Check out the five colour commander deck techs in my 'House of WUBRG' series including Omnath. Locus of All, Niv-Mizzet Supreme and Atogatog.

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My Dual commander series featuring 32 decks battling it out for ultimate supremacy.

Episode three of 'House of Middle Earth' featuring .

The premiere of the MTGSpectacular smackdown, our first multi-camera four player match featuring all four decks covered in the 'House of WUBRG' series.


Title sequence by George Lee

Music courtesy of

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