Peace Offering Upgrade Guide - Bloomburrow

Peace Offering Upgrade Guide

Greetings Citizens! Welcome back to another precon guide here on EDHREC. Today we’re poking our noses around in the Peace Offering precon from Bloomburrow. In case you missed it, go check out my review of the deck, where we looked at what’s in the deck and how to play it.

This precon is a solid entry into the pantheon of group hug-style decks. I wasn’t a fan of a few of the new cards, but we can easily replace them, and a few other weaker cards, with some heavy hitters to get us drawing more cards, making more mana, and casting more spells.

Let’s tune up.

What’s in the Original Deck?

Peace Offering is green, white, and blue, and led by Ms. Bumbleflower, a 1/5 Rabbit Citizen with vigilance that makes an opponent draw a card whenever we cast a spell, as well as put a +1/+1 counter on a creature, and that creature gets flying. And when this ability resolves for the second time each turn, we draw two cards. 

The backup commander is Mr. Foxglove, a 3/5 Fox Rogue with lifelink. When he attacks, we draw cards equal to the difference between our hand and theirs, unless they have equal or fewer cards than us, in which case we can put a creature into play for free.

Here’s the original decklist:

(BLB) - Peace Offering

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Commander (1)
Creatures (26)
Artifacts (8)
Enchantments (8)
Sorceries (7)
Instants (11)
Planeswalkers (1)
Lands (38)

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What Budget Cards Can We Add to Peace Offering?

For our Upgrade Guides, we separate the cards into two categories, one budget (less than $5) and one non-budget ($5 or more). 

With as many counters as we have in this deck, including alternate win-cons with Simic Ascendancy and Twenty-Toed Toad, the first thing I want to add is some proliferate effects. Dreamtide Whale is a fantastic new card from Modern Horizons 3 that proliferates whenever a player casts their second spell for a turn. Not just us, any player. And considering this is group hug, I expect opponents to be casting a lot of spells as well. I’m also adding Evolution Sage to proliferate whenever we drop a land. With Ghirapur Orrery and Rites of Flourishing, in addition to all the extra card draw, I expect Sage to trigger often.

For more counters fun, we’ll bring in Gluntch, the Bestower, which does everything our deck wants, and Evolution Witness, which brings back permanents we lose. I’m also recruiting Freestrider Lookout which will give us a fresh land basically every turn, since Ms. Bumbleflower’s draw trigger is targeted, and therefore a crime. We’ll also sneakily bring poison counters into the game with Norn's Decree, as a deterrent for attacking us and to go along with our newly added proliferate effects.

I also wanted to add ways to make opponents draw more cards, as a way to “mill” them out, so to speak. If they draw their whole decks, they’ll lose when their library gets empty. For this we’ll throw in Forced Fruition and Folio of Fancies. Forced Fruition puts each opponent on a clock at a speed of their own choosing, while Folio gets cards out of their library one way or the other.

With opponents drawing extra cards, it seems appropriate to bring in Heliod, the Radiant Dawn. Once converted to Heliod, the Warped Eclipse, it’ll give us a Leyline of Anticipation effect, in addition to making our spells all one mana cheaper for each card our opponents have drawn in a turn. Let’s also throw in a Smuggler’s Share to profit off our opponents’ actions.

Our last two additions are Rogue’s Passage, since we’re likely to be loading Ms. Bumbleflower up with +1/+1 counters and can potentially knock out an opponent with commander damage, and Approach of the Second Sun. With all of our extra card draw and mana, Approach is a no-brainer.

These are the cards being taken out to “the farm”: Baird, Steward of Argive, Bloodroot Apothecary, Chasm Skulker, Coiling Oracle, Fisher’s Talent, Hoofprints of the Stag, Jolly Gerbils, Martial Impetus, Octomancer, Riot Control, Rishkar, Peema Renegade, Thriving Isle

Here’s our budget upgraded list:

Peace Offering Budget Upgrade

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Commander (1)
Sorceries (8)
Enchantments (8)
Creatures (25)
Artifacts (9)
Instants (10)
Planeswalkers (1)
Lands (38)

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And a few more cards to consider: Howling Mine, Nadu, Winged Wisdom, Nils, Discipline Enforcer, Rootweaver Druid, The Second Doctor, Wedding Ring, Hardened Scales

Non-Budget Cards to Add to Peace Offering

Here’s where we add the two greatest payoff cards for opponents drawing cards, Consecrated Sphinx and Smothering Tithe. These will go in any Ms. Bumbleflower deck that can afford to add them, because they’re some of the best cards printed. I’m also adding in Faerie Mastermind and Trouble in Pairs for more of our own card draw.

With all the extra cards, we’re likely to have tons of lands in hand. In comes Burgeoning to relieve us of that pesky burden. 

For more counters synergy, we’ll add in The Ozolith so we get to keep counters if our creatures die, and some new cards from Bloomburrow, Season of Gathering and Byrke, Long Ear of the Law. Season is great for its flexibility as a modal spell, allowing us to drop counters, blow up artifacts or enchantments, or just draw a ton of cards. 

These cards are getting kicked out: Body of Knowledge, Cultivate, Intellectual Offering, Steelburr Champion, Tamiyo, Field Researcher, Thriving Grove, Thriving Heath, Wizard Class

Here’s our non-budget upgraded list for Peace Offering:

Peace Offering Non-Budget Upgrade

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Commander (1)
Enchantments (10)
Artifacts (10)
Creatures (26)
Instants (9)
Sorceries (8)
Lands (36)

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And a few more cards to consider: Laboratory Maniac (this isn’t expensive, but really works better in the non-budget version), Radstorm, Rhystic Study

The Wicked Hop

That’s our Upgrade Guide for Peace Offering. We took this group hug precon and made the hugs hurt just a bit more, with stronger card draw and ramp, as well as more counters synergies.

So what do you think? Did I make the deck better? Any cards I missed? Sound off in the comments below, or hit me up on Twitter (I’m still calling it that). Stay tuned for more Bloomburrow precon guides, right here on EDHREC.

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Andy's been playing Magic on and off since Fallen Empires. He loves to travel, drink, eat, and spend time with family and friends.

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