SplitSecond - #32 Akiri Silas, Ikra Thrasios, Brokkos, Winota - cEDH Gameplay

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SplitSecond - #32 Akiri Silas, Ikra Thrasios, Brokkos, Winota - cEDH Gameplay

✨✨ We have a Patrons Only Giveaway and to be eligible all you need to do is be a Patron of any tier by November the 1st, and you can win these nice 4 cards: Magic Fest Sol Ring; MechaGodzilla Hangarback Walker; Chord of Calling BaB 2xM Foil; Bring a Friend Reliquary Tower ✨✨

✨✨ We also have a Non-Patron-Subscriber Only Giveaway and to be eligible all you need to do is comment on this or any upcoming videos with #Giveaway followed by your favourite moment of any of our videos, and by the start of November we'll randomly chose the winner, who'll take these nice 4 cards: Japanese Foil Crystalline Giant; MechaGodzilla Hangarback Walker; Wrath of God BaB 2xM Foil; Bring a Friend Reliquary Tower ✨✨

⚠️⚠️ Be sure to have your youtube account settings to show public subscriptions, at least for the last days of the month in order to be eligible for the Raffle ⚠️⚠️

❂ Pedro Leite brought his Ikra Thrasios list
❂ Sequeira is piloting a special anti-wincons brew he did with Brandão
❂ David wanted to give another try at his Infect Brokkos
❂ Baal wanted to try Winota again, now in paper!

⬊ Decklists ⬋
➢ Akiri Silas - https://tinyurl.com/y5xy73vp
➢ Ikra Thrasios - https://tinyurl.com/yyw2hlgf
➢ Brokkos - https://tinyurl.com/y2dne7ps
➢ Winota - https://tinyurl.com/ybrngt4z

🎧 Our discord https://discord.gg/N33Ym8X 🎧

❂ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SplitSecondEDH ❂

➥Turn 1 music sample from U2 - 1987 The Joshua Tree - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (https://www.u2.com/)
➥Support us to improve the quality of our videos (https://www.patreon.com/SplitSecond)
➥Don't forget to visit Arena Porto if you're coming to Porto/Portugal (https://arenaporto.com/)
➥Magic, the Gathering and all products belong to (https://magic.wizards.com/)
➥Intro & Outro Music from Patrick de Orteaga (https://patrickdearteaga.com)
➥Gameplay Music from Benjamin Tissot (https://www.bensound.com)

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