gix yawgmoth praetor
The Over/Under - A Review of Brothers' War Predictions
Who are the most popular Brothers War commanders?
Too-Specific Top 10 - You're Gonna Pay
Cards for life? Or life for cards? Ashiok stars as a secret commander-in-chief for Doug's wickedly manipulative deck tech.
Nearly Identical - Kambal or Liesa?
Life drain, or life drain? Joshua compares two punishing Orzhov powerhouses!
Too-Specific Top 10 - Shadowy Figures
Gix rises from the darkness with an army of Shadow creatures!
The 600 - Predicting the Popularity of The Brothers' War Commanders
Which Brothers' War commanders will become the most popular?
The Brothers' War Set Review - Black
The Brothers' War rages on, as do the set reviews! Up next, black!