Conditions Allow - Ulrich of the Krallenhorde
Can we overcome Ulrich's drawbacks to make a truly stompy Gruul brew?
The Knowledge Pool - Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Tasigur has far too much mana, and tons of spells to use it on!
60 to 100 - Gruul Invades the Invitational!
60-card Gruul Stompy? Meet your 100-card Commander equivalent!
Forgotten Harvest – Hellbent on Innovation
Harvesting some underplayed gems for a delicious discard deck!
The Knowledge Pool - Prime Speaker Vannifar
At long last, a Birthing Pod commander! Let's brew the commander I've wanted since 2015.
The Knowledge Pool - 2018 Deck Updates
Time for an Update Hi everyone! Welcome back to The Knowledge Pool. With 2018 now behind us, I wanted to take a look back at a few of the decks I've demoed and suggest a few updates that I think would help take them to the next level. This past year I've presented 18 decks in […]
Lore Seeker - Big Wave
Prologue Cowabunga! Welcome to Lore Seeker, a series devoted to the legendary creatures left by the wayside of Magic story. In this series, I analyze a legendary creature card in depth, one that does not have much mythos surrounding it. I consider everything from the name and mana cost to the art and flavor text, extracting the essence […]
Shape Anew - Yisan, Alphabetically
Mind Your Words Greeting fellow EDH addicts. Welcome to another iteration of Shape Anew, where we will create a decklist around a commander with 500+ decks on EDHREC. Different strategies will be explored to find original strategies for these popular commanders. From this article onwards, the rules for additional cards will change slightly. Originally, we […]
60 to 100 - Doubling Down with Emmara
Mara Jade, Meet Emmara Tandris Welcome once again, party people! Thanks for coming back to our (usually) bi-weekly article series that crosses the streams of 60-card formats and our 100-card singleton format. This week is something near and dear to my heart. It's doubly special because... well, it's all about doubling things! Tokens, specifically. Do […]
The Knowledge Pool - Omnath, Locus of Rage (Lands Part 2)
Hocus Pocus Locus Hi everyone! Welcome back to the Knowledge pool! Way back in September I introduced a two part series discussing a few of the different flavors of land based decks in Commander. Last time our focus was [card]Tatyova, Benthic Druid[/card], and we talked about the Simic color combination and the advantages that it […]