Previously on EDHREC... Hey everyone! I'm back for round 2 of Playgroup Brews! Last time we discussed two of our five Elder Dragons before the M19 prerelease: Arcades, the Strategist and Chromium, the Mutable. We got lots of great feedback, a lot of folks loved the Chromium deck, and we hope that you had fun brewing these […]
Core Set 2019 Review -- Gold
A GOLDEN Set Review! Hello everyone! Your ridiculous, friendly, neighborhood Jank-Crafter is here to once again provide a set review! I am so excited to talk about the Elder Dragons from another incredible set. I’ve been having a blast writing this article and coming up with deck ideas for each of them! However, before we start […]
#arcades, #bant, #chaoswarp, #chromium, #dragons, #edh, #esper, #gold, #grixis, #invisiblestalker, #jund, #m19, #multicolor, #naya, #nicolbolas, #nicolbolasplaneswalker, #nicolbolastheravager, #palladiamors, #review, #Vaevictisasmadi, #wall Read More »