
Archetune-Up - Dimir Sneak and Show

Archetune-Up - Dimir Sneak and Show

Angelo Guerrera
Angelo Guerrera
Angelo fine-tunes a deck for the upcoming Satoru!
Commander Showdown - Vela vs Yuriko

Commander Showdown - Vela vs Yuriko

Joseph Schultz
Joseph Schultz
Lurking in the Shadows Happy Halloween to all! In honor of this dark and spooky holiday, let's take a look at Magic's deadliest shadow-dwelling commanders! Commander 2018 introduced one of the craziest legends we've ever seen: . At long last, our wishes for a Ninja Tribal commander were fulfilled! Does the term "Commander ninjutsu" still crack me […]
The Knowledge Pool - Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow

The Knowledge Pool - Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow

Scot Sutton
Scot Sutton
Go Ninja Go! Hi everyone! Welcome back to The Knowledge Pool! This week we get to finally talk about the long awaited Commander 2018 set! For me, the yearly Commander sets tend to be the most exciting product Wizards releases. While people seem to have varying opinions on this year's offering, I think it's fairly […]