rishkar peema renegade
Finding Homes for Janky Cards - Rishkar, Peema Renegade
Eldrazi on a budget? Jordan makes it so!
Too-Specific Top 10 - Multitudinous Mana Dorks
We all know Llanowar Elves & Elvish Mystic, but what about the lesser-known mana dorks?
Superior Numbers - The Anatomy of an Upgrade
How do you add new cards to an old deck? Dana walks through his procedures.
Monomania - Coach of the Year
Rishkar is counting on you. He's also putting counters on you.
Weird Harvest — Unexpected Results
Hello everyone! Welcome back for another Weird Harvest, where we strive to keep EDH janky. This week I’m going to do something I haven’t done in a while and really step outside of my comfort zone. As you’ve likely gathered I’m mostly an Abzan mage, and I lean very heavily on the Orzhov removal package. […]
Low Market — Rishkar's Dork Army
Fight the Power Now that Aether Revolt is in the wild, we here at Low Market are doing our level best to stick it to the Man. We've located a druid sympathetic to the renegade cause, and he could really use a budget deck, so let's give him a hand! Exchange Rates In its base […]