the locust god
Wombo Combo - Best Izzet Combos in EDH
What's the top Izzet combo card? Explore EDH wincons using these Izzet combos.
Too-Specific Top 10 - "Oops, All Cycling!"
Build a Doctor Who commander with the top 10 cycling cards!
Divine Convocation - Precon Primer
The Scrap Trawlers run you through the ins and outs of the Divine Convocation precon from March of the Machine.
Do Your Worst - Selesnya Wheels
Philomène has constructed an off-color deck you'll wheely love!
These Cards Do WORK! - The Locust God
What does a synergy score mean? Our newest writer digs deep into the data!
Challenging The Locust God Stats with Chase
Chase @ManaCurves joins Jevin to discuss over- and underrated cards for The Locust God!
Underdog's Corner - Revisiting Arjun
Mason revisits an old flame... Arjun, the Shifting Flame! How have the times changed his 99?