The Knowledge Pool - Prime Speaker Vannifar
At long last, a Birthing Pod commander! Let's brew the commander I've wanted since 2015.
Weird Harvest — The Truth is Out There...
There’s something to be said about the unexpected. Since our format is predominantly multiplayer, it has the potential to yield some hilarious results. There’s also something janky about the idea of setting our opponents up to expect one thing and then hit them with another. I recently caught up on a bunch of episodes of […]
Commander Showdown — Karador vs Meren
Blast from the Past Commander Anthology comes out this Friday, inviting us all to enjoy some of our old favorites from past Commander products, such as and . The Anthology deck I'd like to spend some time on is Plunder the Graves, featuring . Before Commander 2016 gave us and , Meren was on course to […]