The Trinisphere — Gameplay Nicol Bolas & Daretti vs Garruk & Venser

Community Spotlight
Community Spotlight
The Trinisphere — Gameplay Nicol Bolas & Daretti vs Garruk & Venser

Timmy, Johnny, Spike, and Director Matt do battle using on the fields of Planar Chaos, an EDH variant designed by our own Johnny. This format leverages cards and die from Plane chase to create a unique experience. Armed with EDH decks led by Planeswalkers, who will emerge victorious? Watch and find out!

The Trinisphere: Where Timmy, Johnny, Spike (and sometimes Director Matt) battle over all things EDH.

SnapMasta the Spike plays: Garruk, Apex Predator -

NickyBolas the Timmy plays: Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker -

Squire1 the Johnny plays: Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast -

RiktorMTG aka Director Matt plays: Venser, The Sojourner -

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Intro/Outro/Transition Music: Ethereal Dreamscape by teknoaxe

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