The Trinisphere - Korvold vs Alela vs Syr Gwyn vs Chulane | Trinisphere Plays | The Trinisphere | MTG

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The Trinisphere - Korvold vs Alela vs Syr Gwyn vs Chulane | Trinisphere Plays | The Trinisphere | MTG

Brawl-to-EDH conversions on a budget. The hosts of the Trinisphere took each of the brawl precons and turned them into EDH decks by adding 40 cards valued under $25. See who managed to build the best EDH deck on a budget!

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Shannon, the Johnny's Savage Hunger Upgrades Here:
Deck Tech:
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Juan, the Timmy's Knight's Charge Upgrades Here:
Deck Tech:
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Hogg, the Spike's Faerie Schemes Upgrades Here:
Deck Tech:
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