The Trinket Mage - Better than a Booster Best Budget Buys December 2023

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Community Spotlight
The Trinket Mage - Better than a Booster Best Budget Buys December 2023

#mtg #spoilers #thetrinketmage #trinketmage

I went with a lot of cards I personally like instead of what went down in price form reprints, so let me know if you like that change!

Channel Art by Cassus Lynn:

All the music is from Chillpeach:

00:00 - Intro
00:09- Render Silent
00:50- Overseer of the Damned
01:26- Council's Judgement
02:17- Blossoming Bogbeast
03:14- Roiling Vortex
03:51- Blight Mound
04:39- Sire of Stagnation
05:11- Szat's Will
06:04- Titan of Industry
06:50- Terror of Mount Velus
07:39- Outro

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