(Sensational Spider-ManSensational Spider-Man | Art by Dan Dos Santos)
Welcome to Too-Specific Top 10, where if there isn’t a category to rank our pet card at the top of, we’ll just make one up! (Did you know that Sleep-Cursed FaerieSleep-Cursed Faerie is the only one-mana card that puts out three Stun counters?)
Right before the rush of Tarkir: Dragonstorm spoilers, we got a sneak peek at Marvel's Spider-Man, because there's no way we could go a week without more spoilers now, is there?
I would imagine there will be half a dozen different Spider-Men, given the nature of Spider-Man, but the first we're getting to see is Sensational Spider-ManSensational Spider-Man, an Azorius entry that cares about Stun counters.
So naturally, the question I had was... What cards put out a ton of Stun counters?
Top 10 Azorius Stun Counter Cards
First off, we have a gigantic non-bo with what we're trying to do here, and it's what would otherwise be the number five Stun counter card overall: Fear of Sleep ParalysisFear of Sleep Paralysis.
While it can be some great repeatable pseudo-removal for enchantment decks, its "Stun counters can't be removed" effect would make it so Spider-Man can't actually draw any cards. With that in mind, we're going to just remove it from contention with some passively-aggressive criteria.
Criteria: Cards that put Stun counters on permanents that don't also keep you from removing said Stun counters. As if! As is tradition, all results are ordered by EDHREC score.
And that should get us close! Let's take a look at Spider-Man's favorite Stun counter cards, shall we?
10. Succumb to the ColdSuccumb to the Cold
(7,973 Inclusions, 0% of 2,247,565 Decks)
For a long time now, three-mana cards that tap two creatures have been good in one place, and one place only: Limited. The same has been true of three-mana, draw two card effects.
So, what if we combined the two with a little help from Sensational Spider-ManSensational Spider-Man? Well, it wouldn't be the best Stun card or the best drawing card in your deck, but you'd probably still end up playing it.
9. Freeze in PlaceFreeze in Place
(9,623 Inclusions, 0% of 2,239,750 Decks)
Do you know what's better than two cards for three mana, however? Three cards for two mana, of course! Tack on a Scry 2, and we've got what will easily become one of the best cards you can draw in a Sensational Spider-ManSensational Spider-Man deck.
Just keep in mind that the Stun counters do fall off by themselves every untap step, so if you are looking to play a game of put 'em down and pick 'em back up, you're going to want to play this right before attacking with Spidey.
8. Lost in the MazeLost in the Maze
(9,831 Inclusions, 1% of 1,856,318 Decks)
While there's been some nay-saying when it comes to our first Spider-Man, I think those that are playing against him will rather quickly find out that he needs to be answered.
OphidianOphidian in the command zone is sort of our worst-case scenario here, and once we start doing things like attaching Sword of Truth and JusticeSword of Truth and Justice or playing Malcolm, Alluring ScoundrelMalcolm, Alluring Scoundrel and RadstormRadstorm into Shackle SlingerShackle Slinger, it will quickly become apparent to the table that the Azorius player needs to be dealt with.
Enter Lost in the MazeLost in the Maze, a card that can both protect your creatures at instant speed while also tapping down opponents' and giving them Stun counters.
The price tag is a bit steep, but luckily as an enchantment, it sticks around for the long run, making sure that you can protect Sensational Spider-ManSensational Spider-Man during the combat step, and letting you stack Stun counters on creatures you need to stick around for their static effects, keeping them tapped and hexproof.
All in all, this won't be your favorite card to see early, but it will save your bacon in the mid- and late-game!
7. Trap the TrespassersTrap the Trespassers
(10,159 Inclusions, 0% of 2,424,972 Decks)
I'm not a math expert, but I'm fairly sure that in most games of Commander, there are four players. That means four votes, which means that for three mana, this puts out four Stun counters.
Sensational Spider-ManSensational Spider-Man can therefore draw three cards off of it while still having two creatures stay tapped down.
In fact, let's talk about the fact that Sensational Spider-ManSensational Spider-Man not only hands out Stun counters, but also taps down a creature as he attacks.
I don't think folks understand just how annoying this is going to be, and how much it's going to mean that decks sporting him in the command zone won't drag like Azorius usually does.
In effect, Spidey has menace, meaning opponents will need two creatures to block him. Better than that, however, they still only get to block with one of those creatures, meaning it will be difficult to gang up on him, as well.
This means that he, and other creatures alongside him, will be constantly getting through for damage. Combine that with him drawing cards so that you can keep on playing down creatures and answering problems, and this is going to be a ruthlessly efficient tempo deck that I think people are just underestimating right now.
As for Trap the TrespassersTrap the Trespassers in that deck? Well, it's no Freeze in PlaceFreeze in Place, but it's going to create some alpha strikes while also sowing division amongst the table. Which just sounds like a good time, if you ask me!
6. Solitary SanctuarySolitary Sanctuary
(10,854 Inclusions, 1% of 2,093,996 Decks)
Hey, you know what you can do with Stun counters? Proliferate them. You know what else you can do that with? Any other kind of counter, most notably +1/+1 counters.
Slap the two together with Solitary SanctuarySolitary Sanctuary, a not-so-subtle Superman reference, and you've got a card that is going to be really annoying with our other red and blue Hero.
The single Stun counter won't do a whole lot, but more will follow, and they'll clear the way for a huge Spidey and his amazing friends to get through.
5. Sharae of Numbing DepthsSharae of Numbing Depths
(Helms 400 Decks, Rank #1,650; 12,507 Inclusions, 1 of 1,006,734 Decks)
The previous go-to when it comes to Stun counter decks, Sharae of Numbing DepthsSharae of Numbing Depths will more than find a place in this one, too. In fact, the main question is probably whether she or Spider-Man are currently the "best" Stun counter commander.
And honestly? I think Sensational Spider-ManSensational Spider-Man wins, hands down. While he can't lean into the blink shenanigans that Azorious is so well-known for, he comes down earlier, hits harder, and draws more cards.
Combine that with him actually being able to finish games, as opposed to just accruing card advantage with no end in sight, and I think it's fairly easy to say there's a new boss in town.
4. The Watcher in the WaterThe Watcher in the Water
(Helms 2,354 Decks, Rank #644; 14,079 Inclusions, 1% of 2,433,318 Decks)
Nine. Nine Stun counters were gifted to The Watcher in the WaterThe Watcher in the Water. Normally, you try to play card draw during an opponent's turn to remove them and grant yourself Tentacle tokens, but we'll be more than happy to just remove three of them a turn with Spider-Man while we tap down opposing blockers.
That'll add up to nine cards and enough tapped creatures that we can swing in freely with our freshly untapped 9/9. Sounds like a deal to me!
3. Monstrosity of the LakeMonstrosity of the Lake
(Helms 33 Decks, Rank #3,065; 16,658 Inclusions, 1% of 2,424,972 Decks)
Why Monstrosity of the LakeMonstrosity of the Lake sees more play than its non-Commander-deck compatriot probably has everything to do with it being in a Commander precon.
Ten mana is way too much to rely on being able to tap down the table on the regular, and I would put this one on the cutting room floor more or less immediately.
Except, it has Islandcycling, meaning that instead of putting it just outside the 99, I can just cut a land instead and keep it in. Surely this will never come back to bite me!
2. Mjölnir, Storm HammerMjölnir, Storm Hammer
(17,185 Inclusions, 1% of 2,806,252 Decks)
I don't recall from the comics whether Sensational Spider-ManSensational Spider-Man is worthy, but at a guess I'd say yes. Whether it's canon or not, though, he will be in our deck, as Mjölnir, Storm HammerMjölnir, Storm Hammer will give him two extra damage to swing around to each opponent each turn, and another Stun counter to remove for an additional card.
That's too good a deal to pass up, so hopefully the various Marvel sets will bring us another Mjölnir soon so that he can dual-wield!
1. Scroll of IsildurScroll of Isildur
(21,544 Inclusions, 1% of 2,433,318 Decks)
As much as I loathe The Ring Tempts You mechanic and the precedent it set for cards no longer explaining what cards do, I have to admit that Scroll of IsildurScroll of Isildur is probably pretty darn good in a Sensational Spider-ManSensational Spider-Man deck.
Grabbing an opposing Sol RingSol Ring while ensuring that Spider-Man won't die in combat makes this immediately worth the three mana. The two turns after that where you put down more Stun counters and then draw even more cards are just gravy.
Sigh... I suppose I'll go find a Ring token.
Honorable Mentions
First off, there are some great Stun options that didn't make our top ten.
First off, I know we've mentioned it before, but Sleep-Cursed FaerieSleep-Cursed Faerie is the best card in our deck. One mana for three cards and a 3/3 flier with ward 2 is just the nuts, period. Summon: ShivaSummon: Shiva, however, is much more reserved.
Five mana for a 4/5 is nothing to write home about, nor is it tapping something when it comes in. We're in limited uncommon territory, honestly.
But she'll put down another counter the next turn, and then will draw cards equal to tapped creatures our opponents control, which ends up as a reasonable impression of our commander.
Finally, The Caves of AndrozaniThe Caves of Androzani puts out a ton of counters, more than making up for its four-mana cost, and then ends up with us searching up The First DoctorThe First Doctor and the TARDISTARDIS to put out more counters and draw even more cards.
If you think it's a coincidence that two of our honorable mentions are Sagas, it's not. We're going to be Proliferating non-stop with Sensational Spider-ManSensational Spider-Man, and that means ripping through chapters on Sagas. How are we going to proliferating that often, you ask?
With Proliferate getting deeper and deeper with every set, you'd think that Flux ChannelerFlux Channeler would be starting to get outclassed. Instead, however, it seems better than ever!
Even in a creature-heavy deck like ours, we're more than happy to throw down some instants or enchantments and distribute some counters to boot.
With that said, we'll happily take the creature version too in Metastatic EvangelMetastatic Evangel, given the amount of Stun creatures we're playing. And lastly, I don't know how I missed the spoiling of Dreamtide WhaleDreamtide Whale, but I am going to get sick of seeing that thing in play against +1/+1 counter decks.
A three-mana 7/5 that will keep itself alive in addition to putting counters on everything as players just naturally play the game? Amazing!
We've talked a lot about this supposed decklist, though, so I suppose I should put up or shut up:
View on ArchidektCommander (1)
- 1 Sensational Spider-ManSensational Spider-Man
Land (34)
- 1 Adarkar WastesAdarkar Wastes
- 1 Calciform PoolsCalciform Pools
- 1 Command TowerCommand Tower
- 1 Diamond CityDiamond City
- 1 Floodfarm VergeFloodfarm Verge
- 1 Glacial FortressGlacial Fortress
- 1 Hallowed FountainHallowed Fountain
- 1 Hengegate Pathway // Mistgate PathwayHengegate Pathway // Mistgate Pathway
- 7 IslandIsland
- 1 Karn's BastionKarn's Bastion
- 1 Mage-Ring NetworkMage-Ring Network
- 1 Mystic GateMystic Gate
- 1 Nesting GroundsNesting Grounds
- 1 Nimbus MazeNimbus Maze
- 7 PlainsPlains
- 1 Port TownPort Town
- 1 Prairie StreamPrairie Stream
- 1 Remote FarmRemote Farm
- 1 Saprazzan SkerrySaprazzan Skerry
- 1 Sea of CloudsSea of Clouds
- 1 Skycloud ExpanseSkycloud Expanse
- 1 Urza's SagaUrza's Saga
Ramp (8)
- 1 Arcane SignetArcane Signet
- 1 Astral CornucopiaAstral Cornucopia
- 1 Everflowing ChaliceEverflowing Chalice
- 1 Jeweled AmuletJeweled Amulet
- 1 Mercurial SpelldancerMercurial Spelldancer
- 1 Scholar of New HorizonsScholar of New Horizons
- 1 Sol RingSol Ring
- 1 Thought VesselThought Vessel
Counters (18)
- 1 Chasm SkulkerChasm Skulker
- 1 ClockspinningClockspinning
- 1 Deepglow SkateDeepglow Skate
- 1 Dreamtide WhaleDreamtide Whale
- 1 Elspeth ResplendentElspeth Resplendent
- 1 Flux ChannelerFlux Channeler
- 1 Grateful ApparitionGrateful Apparition
- 1 Hangarback WalkerHangarback Walker
- 1 Metastatic EvangelMetastatic Evangel
- 1 Ominous SeasOminous Seas
- 1 RadstormRadstorm
- 1 Solitary SanctuarySolitary Sanctuary
- 1 Space BelerenSpace Beleren
- 1 Staff of CompleationStaff of Compleation
- 1 Sword of Truth and JusticeSword of Truth and Justice
- 1 The First DoctorThe First Doctor
- 1 ThrummingbirdThrummingbird
- 1 Vexing RadgullVexing Radgull
Draw (11)
- 1 Contentious PlanContentious Plan
- 1 Dawn of a New AgeDawn of a New Age
- 1 Experimental AuguryExperimental Augury
- 1 Kaito, Cunning InfiltratorKaito, Cunning Infiltrator
- 1 Ledger ShredderLedger Shredder
- 1 Malcolm, Alluring ScoundrelMalcolm, Alluring Scoundrel
- 1 Spark DoubleSpark Double
- 1 Teferi, Temporal PilgrimTeferi, Temporal Pilgrim
- 1 Tezzeret's GambitTezzeret's Gambit
- 1 The AethersparkThe Aetherspark
Removal (7)
- 1 DelayDelay
- 1 Requisition RaidRequisition Raid
- 1 Ripples of PotentialRipples of Potential
- 1 Scroll of IsildurScroll of Isildur
- 1 Serum SnareSerum Snare
- 1 Slip Out the BackSlip Out the Back
- 1 SuspendSuspend
Stun (21)
- 1 Floodpits DrownerFloodpits Drowner
- 1 Freeze in PlaceFreeze in Place
- 1 Impede MomentumImpede Momentum
- 1 KitnapKitnap
- 1 Lodestone Needle // Guidestone CompassLodestone Needle // Guidestone Compass
- 1 Lost in the MazeLost in the Maze
- 1 Meat Locker // Drowned DinerMeat Locker // Drowned Diner
- 1 Mjölnir, Storm HammerMjölnir, Storm Hammer
- 1 Referee SquadReferee Squad
- 1 Shackle SlingerShackle Slinger
- 1 Sharae of Numbing DepthsSharae of Numbing Depths
- 1 Sleep-Cursed FaerieSleep-Cursed Faerie
- 1 Snaremaster SpriteSnaremaster Sprite
- 1 Stall OutStall Out
- 1 Succumb to the ColdSuccumb to the Cold
- 1 SummonSummon
- 1 The Caves of AndrozaniThe Caves of Androzani
- 1 The Watcher in the WaterThe Watcher in the Water
- 1 TranquilizeTranquilize
- 1 Trap the TrespassersTrap the Trespassers
- 1 Wicked SlumberWicked Slumber
The deck is a little slow out of the gate, but does an excellent job surviving thanks to the Stun counters and sheer amount of cards you draw.
From there, unlike most Azorius decks that just sit controlling the board and doing little else, it controls the board and swings in for damage consistently.
This puts the table on a clock that feels fairly inexorable, and when you inevitably get board wiped, you'll have more than enough cards to play your hand out and just continue the clock.
It's not what I would have thought of for Spider-Man, but I have to admit, it's a good time!
Nuts and Bolts
There always seems to be a bit of interest in how these lists are made (this seems like a good time to stress once again that they are based on EDHREC score, NOT my personal opinion…), and people are often surprised that I’m not using any special data or .json from EDHREC, but rather just muddling my way through with some Scryfall knowledge! For your enjoyment/research, here is this week’s Scryfall search.
What Do You Think?
The big unknown here, is of course the fact that we don't know what Stun counter cards are incoming with Sensational Spider-ManSensational Spider-Man.
Still, I feel like far from this being the unplayable card that folks seem to think it is, it might actually make a splash if folks give it a chance.
And finally, what is your favorite Stun counter card? Do you play it in Spider-Man? Do you think we'll get better Stun counter options alongside the Spider-Man set?
Let us know in the comments, and we'll see you at the table wrapped in cobwebs.
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