Wombo Combo - Best Treasure Adjacent Cards in EDH

Ethan Coover
Ethan Coover
Wombo Combo - Best Treasure Adjacent Cards in EDH
(Magda, Brazen Outlaw | Art by Slawomir Maniak)

Come Here, My Precious

Welcome back to Wombo Combo, the article series where we look at EDH's best combo cards based off data from EDHREC and Commander Spellbook. For this edition, we are going to look at a different type of Magic card than normal: we are going to look at the best combo cards that interact with and/or create Treasures.

Galazeth Prismari
Brass's Bounty
Buried Treasure

Treasures are the new version of the former Gold token, with the only difference being that you must tap the Treasure to activate it, unlike the Gold tokens which you just sacrifice. Treasures have since become a mainstay in modern Magic and are especially prevalent in red cards. Before we look at the Top 10, I did want to give an honorable mention to Dockside ExtortionistDockside Extortionist, which would easily be #1 on this list had it not been banned in EDH in 2024. With that out of the way, let's look at the Top 10 combo cards for your next EDH Treasure deck.


#10: There and Back Again

There and Back Again

Number of Combos: 49

Deck Inclusions: 42,880 decks (1.976%)

There and Back AgainThere and Back Again creates possibly the most overpowered token in Magic: a legendary 6/6 Dragon named Smaug that creates fourteen Treasure tokens when it dies. This amount of mana is incredibly useful for combos, as fourteen mana is a large amount to make some form of infinite loop. The easiest way to accomplish this is with Vitu-Ghazi GuildmageVitu-Ghazi Guildmage, taking advantage of the "legend rule" to easily kill a Smaug token and make Treasures. You can also use other token-generators alongside cards to untap those generators, such as pairing Orthion, Hero of LavabrinkOrthion, Hero of Lavabrink with Thornbite StaffThornbite Staff. There are also some unique opportunities involving Satsuki, the Living LoreSatsuki, the Living Lore and Hex ParasiteHex Parasite to keep There and Back Again onto the battlefield infinitely.


#9: Tireless Provisioner

Tireless Provisioner

Number of Combos: 56

Deck Inclusions: 262,789 decks (11.035%)

Tireless ProvisionerTireless Provisioner is a staple card in Landfall decks and an overall solid inclusion to almost any deck. Getting extra mana in the form of a Treasure token whenever you have a land enter the battlefield can provide excellent early game ramping to cast some larger spells quickly. Tireless Provisioner, in many ways, functions in an infinite combo in a similar way to Lotus CobraLotus Cobra and Nissa, Resurgent AnimistNissa, Resurgent Animist. This can open up combo possibilities with Springheart NantukoSpringheart Nantuko and Dryad ArborDryad Arbor, or with Shifting WoodlandShifting Woodland and Aftermath AnalystAftermath Analyst. Tireless Provisioner making a token does give it additional combo functionality when paired with a card like Kodama of the East TreeKodama of the East Tree and a bounceland to bounce the land to your hand and play it again thanks to Kodama's ability.

#8: Ganax, Astral Hunter

Ganax, Astral Hunter

Number of Combos: 70

Deck Inclusions: 4,001 as commander; 57,367 as card (2.305%)

Who doesn't love giant flying lizards Dragons? Ganax, Astral HunterGanax, Astral Hunter is the perfect inclusion for a Dragon deck by giving you a Treasure whenever it or another Dragon you control enters the battlefield. A key thing to note is that Ganax gives you a Treasure for Dragon tokens as well, such as those made by Lathliss, Dragon QueenLathliss, Dragon Queen or Utvara HellkiteUtvara Hellkite. Ganax's Treasures can be used for combos with Deadeye NavigatorDeadeye Navigator, Aggravated AssaultAggravated Assault, and Strionic ResonatorStrionic Resonator among other cards. If you want to run Ganax as a commander, you can include a background to open up another color for possible combo possibilities. Also, considering Dragons tend to be expensive to cast, having any way to reduce that cost is a great way to ensure you can cast your favorite Hellkites.

#7: Magda, Brazen Outlaw

Magda, Brazen Outlaw

Number of Combos: 76

Deck Inclusions: 11,471 as commander (#63); 62,306 as card (2.503%)

Another card that can be great for a Dragon deck (which you'll notice a lot in this list), Magda, Brazen OutlawMagda, Brazen Outlaw is also a great inclusion for a Dwarf or artifact deck. Magda creates a Treasure whenever a Dwarf you control becomes tapped, and she lets you sacrifice five Treasures to cheat an artifact or Dragon from your library onto the battlefield. Magda is also a popular choice for cEDH decks, which can be seen in this cEDH combo. For more reasonable combos, Magda pairs well with Clock of OmensClock of Omens and any way to turn a Dwarf into an artifact, such as Liquimetal CoatingLiquimetal Coating, by tapping a Treasure and the Dwarf to then untap the Dwarf. You can also use cards that turn themselves into artifact Dwarfs, like Bloodline PretenderBloodline Pretender or Roaming ThroneRoaming Throne. Another good choice for a Magda combo is Battered GolemBattered Golem which untaps itself when the Treasure enters the battlefield, so long as Maskwood NexusMaskwood Nexus or another card is making it a Dwarf.

#6: Goldspan Dragon

Goldspan Dragon

Number of Combos: 80

Deck Inclusions: 148,661 decks (5.972%)

Goldspan DragonGoldspan Dragon doesn't increase the number of Treasures you create (more on that later), but it does the next best thing by doubling the mana they produce instead. Functionally, this can work the same as a token-doubler in many scenarios, such as paying for costs like Hellkite ChargerHellkite Charger. You can also target Goldspan Dragon to get a Treasure. Buyback spells, like Seething AngerSeething Anger, and/or cards like Crown of FlamesCrown of Flames are natural methods to target Goldspan Dragon for the Treasure and subsequent two mana. Goldspan Dragon also makes a Treasure when it attacks, which works well with combat cards like Aggravated Assault or Combat CelebrantCombat Celebrant.

#5: Xorn / Jolene, the Plunder Queen

Jolene, the Plunder Queen

Number of Combos: 86

Deck Inclusions: 3,026 as commander (Jolene - #504); 113,823 as card (Total)

Speaking of token-increasers, XornXorn and Jolene, the Plunder QueenJolene, the Plunder Queen are your resident examples designed for Treasures specifically. Both Xorn and Jolene give you an extra Treasure whenever you create one or more Treasures. If you create one Treasure at a time, this acts as a token-doubler (like Doubling SeasonDoubling Season) and as a Goldspan Dragon substitute; however, this is not the case if you are creating two or more Treasures at a time. Generating one extra Treasure is surprisingly effective in enabling various infinite combos, involving cards like Burakos, Party LeaderBurakos, Party Leader and Sensei's Divining TopSensei's Divining Top alongside Prosper, Tome-BoundProsper, Tome-Bound. Jolene also has the added benefit of taking infinite Treasures and putting infinite +1/+1 counters on itself, which can easily kill an opponent in combat.


#4: Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator

Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator

Number of Combos: 149

Deck Inclusions: 16,380 as commander; 27,896 as card (1.118%)

When you think of Treasure, chances are you think of Pirates; as such, it only makes sense that Malcolm, Keen-Eyed NavigatorMalcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator makes the list. Malcolm creates a Treasure token whenever an opponent is dealt damage by one or more Pirates you control. Notice that it says damage and not combat damage, which makes Malcolm a much better combo card. There are some Pirates which easily enable Malcolm combos, like Glint-Horn BuccaneerGlint-Horn Buccaneer and Lightning-Rig CrewLightning-Rig Crew, but it becomes much easier if you make anything into a Pirate instead. Cards like Reckless FireweaverReckless Fireweaver, Ingenious ArtilleristIngenious Artillerist, and Penregon StrongbullPenregon Strongbull facilitate these combos easily. All you need is to make them Pirates, which can be achieved by Maskwood Nexus or similar cards, Captain's HookCaptain's Hook or Amoeboid ChangelingAmoeboid Changeling among many other cards.

#3: Storm-Kiln Artist

Storm-Kiln Artist

Number of Combos: 167

Deck Inclusions: 224,903 decks (9.035%)

Storm-Kiln ArtistStorm-Kiln Artist is one of the premier inclusions for Magecraft decks, giving you a Treasure whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell. When paired with other cost-reducers, like Mizzix of the IzmagnusMizzix of the Izmagnus, Storm-Kiln Artist's Treasure can cost many instants and sorceries to be cast effectively for free. The best application for this is buyback spells, like Haze of RageHaze of Rage or ClockspinningClockspinning, by infinitely casting them for free and bouncing them back to your hands. There are other spells that can bounce themselves as well, such as View from AboveView from Above and Petals of InsightPetals of Insight. Since Storm-Kiln Artist can also trigger when instants and sorceries are copied, cards like Thousand-Year StormThousand-Year Storm can quickly create increasingly large amounts of Treasures for your use. Throw in a Crackle with PowerCrackle with Power, which also gets copied many times by Thousand-Year Storm, and the game will end very quickly.

#2: Academy Manufactor

Academy Manufactor

Number of Combos: 223

Deck Inclusions: 203,196 decks (4%)

Academy ManufactorAcademy Manufactor is a unique card that takes a Clue, Food, or Treasure token and makes it so you create a Clue, Food, and Treasure token instead. This effect creates some unique interactions with cards, such as Warren SoultraderWarren Soultrader creating Food tokens and Lonis, CryptozoologistLonis, Cryptozoologist creating Treasure tokens. Academy Manufactor also makes it much easier to activate Clock of OmensClock of Omens for an easy Transmutation FontTransmutation Font combo. Since Academy Manufactor's replacement effects can scale the more Academy Manufactors you control, it can be quite easy to take a non-infinite combo and get an extremely large number of Treasures, Foods, and Clues. A simple Rite of ReplicationRite of Replication turns one token into 243 Clues, Foods, and Treasures, which should be more than enough to end the game swiftly.


#1: Pitiless Plunderer

Pitiless Plunderer

Number of Combos: 410

Deck Inclusions: 197,989 decks (7.664%)

Pitiless PlundererPitiless Plunderer is our most used combo card in this list as a massive enabler of many infinite combos. When another creature you control dies, Pitiless Plunderer creates a Treasure in its honor. This perfectly pairs with Chatterfang, Squirrel GeneralChatterfang, Squirrel General and reanimation cards, like GravecrawlerGravecrawler and Reassembling SkeletonReassembling Skeleton. The extra mana also comes in handy with Slimefoot and SqueeSlimefoot and Squee alongside a mana sacrifice outlet to pay for Slimefoot and Squee's cost. Other cards that can take advantage of Pitiless Plunderer's effect include Peregrin TookPeregrin Took, Marneus CalgarMarneus Calgar and Ghave, Guru of SporesGhave, Guru of Spores among many others. Pitiless Plunderer also allows the ability to sacrifice tokens and/or unneeded creatures to recuperate some mana which can be put towards other more helpful spells if you are starved for mana. With all of this upside, Pitiless Plunderer is a serious contender for the majority of black decks, especially if they deal with Treasures or reanimation. Come on, what arrrr you waiting for?

Honorable Mentions

These cards may have a little less fortune than others on this list, but they can still provide some gilded opportunities:

1. Fain, the BrokerFain, the Broker: Has a variety of useful abilities for combos, including one that creates a Treasure token.

2. Prosper, Tome-BoundProsper, Tome-Bound: Gifts you a Treasure when you cast a spell from exile, perfect for impulse drawing of cards like Eternal ScourgeEternal Scourge.

3. Atsushi, the Blazing SkyAtsushi, the Blazing SkyAtsushi makes three Treasures when it dies, which can easily be exploited for infinite reanimation loops.

4. Warren SoultraderWarren Soultrader: A similar card to Phyrexian AltarPhyrexian Altar that instead makes a Treasure, at the cost of also costing 1 life to activate.

5. Ruthless TechnomancerRuthless Technomancer: Another easy way to finance reanimation combos, allowing you to sacrifice and return a creature with ease.

Thank you very much for reading this edition of Wombo Combo, and don't forget to check out Commander Spellbook for more EDH combos and visit the Commander Spellbook Discord to submit your own combos and engage in Magic discussion. Until next time, happy comboing!

Ethan Coover

Ethan has been an avid EDH player since 2014 with the release of Core Set 2015. In 2021, he joined the Commander Spellbook project as an editor, and later a head-editor and moderator, and has assisted in the curation, updating and/or uploading of over 10,000 unique EDH combos. In his spare time, Ethan loves coming up with new jank EDH lines, playing video games, and going for long walks.

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