Rend Flesh (Card)

Rend Flesh
In 2142 decks 0% of 2811434 decks
Jeremy Podczerwinski
Mind Bend - The Ghost of Commander Past
A trip through EDH's past may help you in your Commander future.
Commander Spellbook
O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami
23.19% of 1436 decks 333 decks
Kyodai, Soul of Kamigawa
9.57% of 1964 decks 188 decks
Iname as One
46.67% of 300 decks 140 decks
Infernal Kirin
86.39% of 147 decks 127 decks
Karador, Ghost Chieftain
1.68% of 5532 decks 93 decks
Iname, Death Aspect
12.10% of 620 decks 75 decks
He Who Hungers
53.72% of 121 decks 65 decks
King of the Oathbreakers
1.57% of 3704 decks 58 decks
Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse
83.61% of 61 decks 51 decks
Toshiro Umezawa
1.89% of 1847 decks 35 decks
Morophon, the Boundless
0.33% of 10424 decks 34 decks
Go-Shintai of Life's Origin
0.21% of 15725 decks 33 decks
Zevlor, Elturel Exile
0.65% of 3976 decks 26 decks
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow
0.09% of 25269 decks 24 decks
Jodah, Archmage Eternal
0.26% of 8056 decks 21 decks
Killian, Ink Duelist
0.75% of 2782 decks 21 decks
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed
1.28% of 1488 decks 19 decks
Satoru Umezawa
0.14% of 11041 decks 15 decks
New Cards
Accursed Duneyard
5% of 395 decks +4% synergy
Teval, the Balanced Scale
4% of 75 decks +3% synergy
Bleachbone Verge
2% of 185 decks -5% synergy
Wastewood Verge
1% of 212 decks -4% synergy
Maximum Overdrive
1% of 375 decks +1% synergy
High Synergy Cards
Loam Dweller
66% of 1094 decks +66% synergy
Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens
65% of 1008 decks +65% synergy
Wear Away
64% of 1094 decks +64% synergy
Drogskol Captain
60% of 715 decks +58% synergy
Kodama of the South Tree
55% of 1094 decks +55% synergy
Elder Pine of Jukai
54% of 1094 decks +54% synergy
53% of 1094 decks +53% synergy
Petalmane Baku
53% of 1094 decks +53% synergy
Bounteous Kirin
52% of 1094 decks +52% synergy
Ethereal Haze
52% of 1008 decks +52% synergy
Top Cards
Kodama's Reach
80% of 1094 decks +50% synergy
The Kami War
57% of 669 decks +51% synergy
54% of 1094 decks +9% synergy
Ribbons of the Reikai
51% of 958 decks +51% synergy
Kura, the Boundless Sky
51% of 1094 decks +49% synergy
50% of 1008 decks +50% synergy
Sire of the Storm
47% of 958 decks +47% synergy
47% of 883 decks +47% synergy
Myojin of Life's Web
45% of 1094 decks +45% synergy
Soulless Revival
43% of 2142 decks +43% synergy
Game Changers
Demonic Tutor
10% of 2142 decks -11% synergy
Rhystic Study
8% of 958 decks -19% synergy
Smothering Tithe
8% of 1008 decks -16% synergy
Cyclonic Rift
6% of 958 decks -21% synergy
Keiga, the Tide Star
42% of 958 decks +42% synergy
Kyodai, Soul of Kamigawa
42% of 669 decks +41% synergy
Ryusei, the Falling Star
41% of 883 decks +40% synergy
Yosei, the Morning Star
41% of 1008 decks +41% synergy
Iname, Life Aspect
41% of 1094 decks +41% synergy
Ao, the Dawn Sky
41% of 1008 decks +40% synergy
Kodama of the Center Tree
40% of 1094 decks +40% synergy
Kodama of the East Tree
40% of 1094 decks +36% synergy
Atsushi, the Blazing Sky
39% of 883 decks +37% synergy
Junji, the Midnight Sky
38% of 2142 decks +35% synergy
37% of 958 decks +36% synergy
Thief of Hope
36% of 2142 decks +35% synergy
34% of 1094 decks +34% synergy
Kairi, the Swirling Sky
34% of 958 decks +34% synergy
Kami of False Hope
33% of 1008 decks +32% synergy
Infernal Kirin
33% of 2142 decks +33% synergy
Kokusho, the Evening Star
32% of 2142 decks +30% synergy
Myojin of Cleansing Fire
32% of 1008 decks +32% synergy
King of the Oathbreakers
31% of 928 decks +30% synergy
Jugan, the Rising Star
30% of 1094 decks +30% synergy
Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse
29% of 2142 decks +29% synergy
Myojin of Blooming Dawn
29% of 1008 decks +28% synergy
Iname, Death Aspect
27% of 2142 decks +27% synergy
Kira, Great Glass-Spinner
26% of 958 decks +25% synergy
Selfless Spirit
25% of 1008 decks +21% synergy
Supreme Phantom
25% of 958 decks +25% synergy
He Who Hungers
25% of 2142 decks +25% synergy
Myojin of Seeing Winds
25% of 958 decks +25% synergy
Skyfire Kirin
24% of 883 decks +24% synergy
Myojin of Night's Reach
22% of 2142 decks +22% synergy
Crypt Ghast
22% of 2142 decks +17% synergy
Myojin of Grim Betrayal
22% of 2142 decks +21% synergy
O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami
22% of 669 decks +18% synergy
Hofri Ghostforge
21% of 696 decks +21% synergy
Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm
21% of 675 decks +15% synergy
Iname as One
21% of 1094 decks +21% synergy
Millicent, Restless Revenant
21% of 715 decks +20% synergy
Hana Kami
20% of 1094 decks +20% synergy
Drogskol Reinforcements
20% of 1008 decks +19% synergy
The Unspeakable
20% of 958 decks +19% synergy
Sekki, Seasons' Guide
19% of 1094 decks +19% synergy
Angel of Flight Alabaster
19% of 1008 decks +19% synergy
Kami of the Waning Moon
19% of 2142 decks +19% synergy
Primordial Sage
19% of 1094 decks +18% synergy
18% of 2142 decks +18% synergy
Spinner of Souls
17% of 354 decks +16% synergy
Celestial Kirin
16% of 1008 decks +16% synergy
Sakura-Tribe Elder
16% of 1094 decks -2% synergy
Promised Kannushi
15% of 1094 decks +15% synergy
Myojin of Towering Might
15% of 1094 decks +14% synergy
Reach Through Mists
42% of 958 decks +42% synergy
Death Denied
38% of 2142 decks +37% synergy
Swords to Plowshares
34% of 1008 decks -28% synergy
Blessed Breath
31% of 1008 decks +31% synergy
Aether Shockwave
30% of 1008 decks +30% synergy
Horobi's Whisper
28% of 2142 decks +28% synergy
Spiritual Visit
23% of 1008 decks +23% synergy
Desperate Ritual
22% of 883 decks +20% synergy
22% of 958 decks +22% synergy
Peer Through Depths
22% of 958 decks +21% synergy
Dark Ritual
21% of 2142 decks -2% synergy
20% of 958 decks -23% synergy
Sift Through Sands
18% of 958 decks +18% synergy
Rending Vines
18% of 1094 decks +18% synergy
Path to Exile
17% of 1008 decks -29% synergy
Consuming Vortex
17% of 958 decks +17% synergy
Release to Memory
17% of 1008 decks +16% synergy
Veil of Secrecy
16% of 958 decks +15% synergy
Glacial Ray
13% of 883 decks +13% synergy
13% of 2142 decks +9% synergy
Quiet Purity
12% of 1008 decks +12% synergy
Hideous Laughter
12% of 2142 decks +12% synergy
Psychic Puppetry
12% of 958 decks +12% synergy
Sickening Shoal
12% of 2142 decks +12% synergy
Goryo's Vengeance
12% of 2142 decks +12% synergy
Go for the Throat
11% of 2142 decks +4% synergy
11% of 1094 decks -5% synergy
Beast Within
11% of 1094 decks -27% synergy
Kodama's Might
11% of 1094 decks +10% synergy
Doom Blade
10% of 2142 decks +9% synergy
10% of 883 decks +10% synergy
10% of 958 decks +10% synergy
Otherworldly Journey
10% of 1008 decks +10% synergy
10% of 958 decks -13% synergy
Through the Breach
10% of 883 decks +9% synergy
Murmurs from Beyond
9% of 958 decks +9% synergy
Growth Spiral
8% of 706 decks -14% synergy
Ire of Kaminari
8% of 883 decks +8% synergy
Blind with Anger
8% of 883 decks +8% synergy
Songs of the Damned
8% of 2142 decks +7% synergy
8% of 2142 decks +4% synergy
Unchecked Growth
7% of 1094 decks +7% synergy
Assassin's Trophy
7% of 1094 decks -23% synergy
7% of 883 decks -13% synergy
7% of 1094 decks +3% synergy
7% of 1008 decks -5% synergy
Heroic Intervention
7% of 1094 decks -23% synergy
Into the Fray
7% of 883 decks +7% synergy
Hero's Downfall
6% of 2142 decks +4% synergy
Infernal Grasp
6% of 2142 decks -1% synergy
Rampant Growth
42% of 1094 decks +8% synergy
42% of 1094 decks +8% synergy
Terashi's Grasp
39% of 1008 decks +39% synergy
Eerie Procession
35% of 958 decks +35% synergy
Nature's Lore
26% of 1094 decks -6% synergy
Devouring Greed
23% of 2142 decks +23% synergy
Three Visits
19% of 1094 decks -5% synergy
Footsteps of the Goryo
19% of 2142 decks +18% synergy
Sign in Blood
16% of 2142 decks +6% synergy
Eerie Ultimatum
15% of 798 decks +3% synergy
Choice of Damnations
14% of 2142 decks +14% synergy
Feed the Swarm
14% of 2142 decks -4% synergy
Explosive Vegetation
14% of 1094 decks +10% synergy
Eye of Nowhere
13% of 958 decks +13% synergy
Patriarch's Bidding
13% of 2142 decks +9% synergy
Swallowing Plague
11% of 2142 decks +11% synergy
Blasphemous Act
11% of 883 decks -22% synergy
Diabolic Tutor
10% of 2142 decks +4% synergy
Waking Nightmare
10% of 2142 decks +10% synergy
Read the Bones
10% of 2142 decks +3% synergy
10% of 1008 decks -3% synergy
Syphon Mind
10% of 2142 decks +7% synergy
Road of Return
10% of 1094 decks +9% synergy
Skyshroud Claim
9% of 1094 decks +0% synergy
Tempt with Discovery
9% of 1094 decks +5% synergy
9% of 1008 decks +9% synergy
Ideas Unbound
9% of 958 decks +9% synergy
9% of 2142 decks -3% synergy
Majestic Genesis
9% of 1094 decks +8% synergy
Lava Spike
8% of 883 decks +8% synergy
Distant Melody
8% of 958 decks +3% synergy
Petals of Insight
8% of 958 decks +8% synergy
Time of Need
8% of 1094 decks +7% synergy
Kindred Dominance
7% of 2142 decks +3% synergy
Crack the Earth
7% of 883 decks +7% synergy
Living Death
7% of 2142 decks +2% synergy
7% of 2142 decks -1% synergy
Night's Whisper
7% of 2142 decks -2% synergy
Culling Ritual
7% of 1094 decks -5% synergy
Ruinous Ultimatum
6% of 696 decks -12% synergy
Dance of Shadows
6% of 2142 decks +6% synergy
6% of 2142 decks +5% synergy
Spiraling Embers
6% of 883 decks +6% synergy
Lingering Souls
6% of 1008 decks +5% synergy
Toxic Deluge
6% of 2142 decks -12% synergy
6% of 2142 decks -11% synergy
Three Tragedies
6% of 2142 decks +6% synergy
Primevals' Glorious Rebirth
6% of 1008 decks +2% synergy
Migration Path
5% of 1094 decks +2% synergy
5% of 2142 decks -1% synergy
Utility Artifacts
Long-Forgotten Gohei
42% of 2142 decks +42% synergy
Commander's Sphere
23% of 2142 decks +8% synergy
Herald's Horn
20% of 2142 decks +13% synergy
Baku Altar
17% of 2142 decks +17% synergy
Fist of Suns
15% of 669 decks +8% synergy
Urza's Incubator
15% of 2142 decks +12% synergy
Mind Stone
14% of 2142 decks -3% synergy
Swiftfoot Boots
13% of 2142 decks -14% synergy
Jet Medallion
12% of 2142 decks +9% synergy
That Which Was Taken
11% of 2142 decks +11% synergy
Wayfarer's Bauble
10% of 2142 decks +1% synergy
Lightning Greaves
10% of 2142 decks -15% synergy
Geth's Grimoire
9% of 2142 decks +9% synergy
Vanquisher's Banner
7% of 2142 decks +3% synergy
Bontu's Monument
6% of 2142 decks +4% synergy
5% of 2142 decks -6% synergy
Netherborn Altar
5% of 2142 decks +5% synergy
Conduit of Worlds
5% of 1094 decks -0% synergy
Leyline of the Guildpact
29% of 461 decks +13% synergy
Mirari's Wake
26% of 798 decks +13% synergy
Kindred Boon
25% of 1008 decks +24% synergy
Field of Souls
17% of 1008 decks +16% synergy
Kindred Discovery
16% of 958 decks +9% synergy
Abzan Ascendancy
16% of 798 decks +14% synergy
Sanctum of All
15% of 669 decks +10% synergy
Honden of Life's Web
15% of 1094 decks +14% synergy
Honden of Seeing Winds
14% of 958 decks +13% synergy
Leyline of Mutation
14% of 263 decks +8% synergy
Genju of the Realm
13% of 669 decks +13% synergy
Phyrexian Arena
12% of 2142 decks -4% synergy
Honden of Infinite Rage
12% of 883 decks +11% synergy
Honden of Cleansing Fire
11% of 1008 decks +10% synergy
Descendants' Fury
10% of 784 decks +10% synergy
Ghostly Prison
10% of 1008 decks -1% synergy
Jugan Defends the Temple
10% of 1094 decks +9% synergy
Annie Joins Up
10% of 411 decks -3% synergy
Breath of the Sleepless
10% of 958 decks +10% synergy
Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest
9% of 1094 decks +9% synergy
Haunted Library
9% of 1008 decks +8% synergy
Waste Not
9% of 2142 decks +7% synergy
Sanctum of Calm Waters
9% of 958 decks +8% synergy
8% of 2142 decks +7% synergy
Ethereal Absolution
7% of 1008 decks +7% synergy
Obscura Ascendancy
7% of 715 decks +7% synergy
Greater Good
7% of 1094 decks +2% synergy
Liliana's Caress
6% of 2142 decks +5% synergy
Raiders' Wake
6% of 2142 decks +5% synergy
Mortal Combat
6% of 2142 decks +6% synergy
Painful Quandary
6% of 2142 decks +4% synergy
The Dragon-Kami Reborn
6% of 1094 decks +5% synergy
Deadbridge Chant
6% of 1094 decks +3% synergy
Honden of Night's Reach
5% of 2142 decks +5% synergy
The Long Reach of Night
5% of 2142 decks +5% synergy
Sanctum of Tranquil Light
5% of 1008 decks +5% synergy
Moldervine Reclamation
5% of 1094 decks -4% synergy
Invasion of Tolvada
5% of 1002 decks +4% synergy
Kaya the Inexorable
6% of 1008 decks +4% synergy
Utility Lands
Reliquary Tower
26% of 2142 decks -3% synergy
Bojuka Bog
23% of 2142 decks -7% synergy
Boseiju, Who Endures
18% of 1094 decks -1% synergy
Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
18% of 883 decks +13% synergy
Cabal Coffers
16% of 2142 decks +6% synergy
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
15% of 2142 decks +5% synergy
Otawara, Soaring City
14% of 958 decks -2% synergy
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
13% of 2142 decks +3% synergy
Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
12% of 1008 decks +3% synergy
Temple of the False God
11% of 2142 decks +2% synergy
Rogue's Passage
10% of 2142 decks -10% synergy
Cabal Stronghold
10% of 2142 decks +6% synergy
Witch's Cottage
9% of 2142 decks +6% synergy
Cascading Cataracts
9% of 2142 decks +8% synergy
Shizo, Death's Storehouse
8% of 2142 decks +4% synergy
Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep
8% of 883 decks +6% synergy
Minamo, School at Water's Edge
8% of 958 decks +3% synergy
Three Tree City
8% of 1009 decks +2% synergy
Crypt of Agadeem
7% of 2142 decks +6% synergy
Barren Moor
7% of 2142 decks +3% synergy
Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth
6% of 2142 decks -3% synergy
Mortuary Mire
6% of 2142 decks +2% synergy
Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers
6% of 1094 decks +6% synergy
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
6% of 2142 decks +0% synergy
Eiganjo Castle
6% of 1008 decks +5% synergy
Command Beacon
6% of 2142 decks +1% synergy
Vault of the Archangel
5% of 1008 decks -6% synergy
Geier Reach Sanitarium
5% of 2142 decks +2% synergy
Mana Artifacts
Sol Ring
72% of 2142 decks -12% synergy
Arcane Signet
59% of 2142 decks -13% synergy
Chromatic Lantern
21% of 2142 decks +12% synergy
Timeless Lotus
20% of 669 decks +8% synergy
Séance Board
16% of 825 decks +15% synergy
Fellwar Stone
15% of 2142 decks -6% synergy
Dimir Signet
13% of 958 decks -16% synergy
Patchwork Banner
12% of 995 decks +7% synergy
Haunted Screen
12% of 262 decks +10% synergy
Charcoal Diamond
11% of 2142 decks +6% synergy
Orzhov Signet
11% of 1008 decks -16% synergy
Thought Vessel
11% of 2142 decks -6% synergy
Golgari Signet
10% of 1094 decks -2% synergy
Rakdos Signet
9% of 883 decks -20% synergy
Izzet Signet
7% of 770 decks -21% synergy
Talisman of Dominance
7% of 958 decks -25% synergy
Decanter of Endless Water
6% of 2142 decks +2% synergy
Talisman of Indulgence
6% of 883 decks -21% synergy
Talisman of Resilience
5% of 1094 decks -7% synergy
Command Tower
59% of 2142 decks -15% synergy
The World Tree
38% of 669 decks +6% synergy
Jungle Shrine
37% of 670 decks +5% synergy
Path of Ancestry
37% of 2142 decks +15% synergy
Sandsteppe Citadel
35% of 798 decks +10% synergy
Opulent Palace
34% of 706 decks +7% synergy
Seaside Citadel
33% of 675 decks +7% synergy
Arcane Sanctum
33% of 715 decks +4% synergy
Indatha Triome
30% of 798 decks +0% synergy
Ketria Triome
30% of 675 decks -2% synergy
Exotic Orchard
30% of 2142 decks -6% synergy
Frontier Bivouac
29% of 675 decks +2% synergy
Zagoth Triome
29% of 706 decks -0% synergy
Spara's Headquarters
29% of 675 decks -1% synergy
Raugrin Triome
27% of 673 decks +1% synergy
Crumbling Necropolis
27% of 770 decks -4% synergy
Jetmir's Garden
27% of 670 decks -4% synergy
Evolving Wilds
27% of 2142 decks +6% synergy
Mystic Monastery
26% of 673 decks -1% synergy
Ziatora's Proving Ground
25% of 713 decks -5% synergy
Raffine's Tower
25% of 715 decks -1% synergy
Savage Lands
24% of 713 decks +1% synergy
Nomad Outpost
22% of 696 decks -6% synergy
Savai Triome
22% of 696 decks -4% synergy
Overgrown Tomb
22% of 1094 decks -20% synergy
Terramorphic Expanse
20% of 2142 decks +5% synergy
Temple Garden
20% of 798 decks -20% synergy
Myriad Landscape
18% of 2142 decks -1% synergy
Secluded Courtyard
18% of 2142 decks +13% synergy
Xander's Lounge
17% of 770 decks -9% synergy
Breeding Pool
17% of 706 decks -24% synergy
Unclaimed Territory
16% of 2142 decks +11% synergy
Golgari Rot Farm
16% of 1094 decks -2% synergy
Godless Shrine
16% of 1008 decks -24% synergy
Stomping Ground
16% of 713 decks -25% synergy
Watery Grave
15% of 958 decks -25% synergy
Hallowed Fountain
15% of 715 decks -26% synergy
Sunken Hollow
14% of 958 decks -21% synergy
Temple of Malady
13% of 1094 decks -3% synergy
Woodland Cemetery
13% of 1094 decks -16% synergy
Steam Vents
13% of 770 decks -25% synergy
Smoldering Marsh
12% of 883 decks -21% synergy
Canopy Vista
12% of 798 decks -24% synergy
Blood Crypt
12% of 883 decks -26% synergy
Sacred Foundry
12% of 696 decks -24% synergy
Dismal Backwater
12% of 958 decks +5% synergy
Llanowar Wastes
12% of 1094 decks -14% synergy
Caves of Koilos
12% of 1008 decks -17% synergy
Orzhov Basilica
11% of 1008 decks -5% synergy
Dimir Aqueduct
11% of 958 decks -6% synergy