Tombstalker (Card)

In 560 decks 0% of 2811434 decks
Commander Spellbook
Ketramose, the New Dawn
0.23% of 3900 decks 9 decks
Top Commanders
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow
0.25% of 25269 decks 62 decks
Be'lakor, the Dark Master
0.29% of 11716 decks 34 decks
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
0.35% of 6079 decks 21 decks
Raphael, Fiendish Savior
0.48% of 4351 decks 21 decks
The Meep
3.43% of 612 decks 21 decks
Syr Konrad, the Grim
0.35% of 4823 decks 17 decks
Kaalia of the Vast
0.07% of 23783 decks 16 decks
Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos
1.22% of 1069 decks 13 decks
The Ancient One
0.46% of 2837 decks 13 decks
K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth
0.08% of 15171 decks 12 decks
Rakdos, the Muscle
0.27% of 3743 decks 10 decks
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
0.13% of 6886 decks 9 decks
Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis
0.39% of 2036 decks 8 decks
Glarb, Calamity's Augur
0.09% of 8796 decks 8 decks
Rakdos, Lord of Riots
0.09% of 7965 decks 7 decks
Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire
0.39% of 1536 decks 6 decks
Karador, Ghost Chieftain
0.11% of 5532 decks 6 decks
New Cards
The Speed Demon
4% of 105 decks +3% synergy
High Synergy Cards
Treasure Cruise
53% of 235 decks +48% synergy
Dig Through Time
49% of 235 decks +44% synergy
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
31% of 64 decks +31% synergy
Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis
30% of 115 decks +30% synergy
Golgari Grave-Troll
28% of 115 decks +26% synergy
Rakdos, Lord of Riots
26% of 205 decks +23% synergy
Hooting Mandrills
23% of 115 decks +23% synergy
Sultai Ascendancy
25% of 64 decks +23% synergy
43% of 235 decks +23% synergy
Grisly Salvage
28% of 115 decks +22% synergy
Top Cards
Swords to Plowshares
44% of 81 decks -18% synergy
39% of 235 decks -4% synergy
32% of 205 decks +11% synergy
Blasphemous Act
31% of 205 decks -2% synergy
Rampant Growth
30% of 115 decks -4% synergy
Chaos Warp
30% of 205 decks -1% synergy
Dark Ritual
29% of 560 decks +7% synergy
Path to Exile
27% of 81 decks -20% synergy
Void Rend
27% of 26 decks +13% synergy
Kardur, Doomscourge
26% of 205 decks +20% synergy
Game Changers
Demonic Tutor
13% of 560 decks -8% synergy
Mystical Tutor
13% of 235 decks -2% synergy
Enlightened Tutor
11% of 81 decks -6% synergy
Force of Will
10% of 235 decks -1% synergy
Vampiric Tutor
9% of 560 decks -9% synergy
Jeska's Will
7% of 205 decks -10% synergy
Ancient Tomb
6% of 560 decks -4% synergy
Thassa's Oracle
6% of 235 decks -1% synergy
Bolas's Citadel
5% of 560 decks -3% synergy
Fierce Guardianship
5% of 235 decks -13% synergy
Deathrite Shaman
25% of 115 decks +13% synergy
Eternal Witness
25% of 115 decks +5% synergy
Ignoble Hierarch
25% of 28 decks -0% synergy
Muldrotha, the Gravetide
23% of 64 decks +17% synergy
Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive
23% of 235 decks +20% synergy
Prosperous Thief
23% of 235 decks +21% synergy
Thousand-Faced Shadow
23% of 235 decks +21% synergy
Herald of Slaanesh
22% of 205 decks +22% synergy
Ninja of the Deep Hours
22% of 235 decks +21% synergy
Satyr Wayfinder
22% of 115 decks +20% synergy
Bloodbraid Elf
21% of 28 decks +19% synergy
Gurmag Angler
20% of 560 decks +20% synergy
Magnus the Red
20% of 69 decks +19% synergy
Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch
20% of 69 decks +17% synergy
Averna, the Chaos Bloom
20% of 15 decks +18% synergy
Ingenious Infiltrator
20% of 235 decks +17% synergy
Silver-Fur Master
20% of 235 decks +17% synergy
Skull Prophet
20% of 115 decks +15% synergy
Baleful Strix
20% of 235 decks +7% synergy
Necropolis Fiend
20% of 560 decks +20% synergy
Moon-Circuit Hacker
19% of 235 decks +18% synergy
Aurelia, the Law Above
19% of 21 decks +15% synergy
Pink Horror
19% of 69 decks +18% synergy
Archangel Avacyn
19% of 32 decks +18% synergy
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
19% of 64 decks +17% synergy
Gisela, Blade of Goldnight
19% of 32 decks +12% synergy
18% of 205 decks +16% synergy
Sakura-Tribe Elder
17% of 115 decks -1% synergy
Shadow of Mortality
17% of 560 decks +16% synergy
Chaos Defiler
17% of 205 decks +16% synergy
Mistblade Shinobi
17% of 235 decks +16% synergy
Faerie Seer
17% of 235 decks +15% synergy
Spectral Sailor
17% of 235 decks +15% synergy
Avacyn's Pilgrim
17% of 18 decks +2% synergy
Ramunap Excavator
17% of 115 decks +10% synergy
Birds of Paradise
17% of 115 decks -11% synergy
Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos
16% of 205 decks +15% synergy
Orcus, Prince of Undeath
16% of 205 decks +15% synergy
Rakdos, the Showstopper
16% of 205 decks +15% synergy
Mothdust Changeling
16% of 235 decks +15% synergy
Nyx Weaver
16% of 115 decks +11% synergy
Aurelia, the Warleader
16% of 32 decks +8% synergy
Bloodcrusher of Khorne
16% of 205 decks +15% synergy
Slither Blade
15% of 235 decks +13% synergy
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
15% of 560 decks +6% synergy
Glarb, Calamity's Augur
15% of 34 decks +13% synergy
14% of 560 decks +12% synergy
Master of Cruelties
14% of 205 decks +12% synergy
Rakshasa Vizier
14% of 64 decks +14% synergy
Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath
14% of 64 decks +9% synergy
Assassin's Trophy
25% of 115 decks -5% synergy
25% of 235 decks +3% synergy
22% of 205 decks +8% synergy
Rakdos Charm
21% of 205 decks +6% synergy
Murderous Cut
21% of 560 decks +20% synergy
Sultai Charm
20% of 64 decks +16% synergy
Anguished Unmaking
19% of 81 decks -5% synergy
16% of 133 decks +13% synergy
Beast Within
16% of 115 decks -22% synergy
Abrupt Decay
15% of 115 decks +4% synergy
Become Immense
14% of 115 decks +14% synergy
Thrill of Possibility
14% of 205 decks +4% synergy
Frantic Search
14% of 235 decks +1% synergy
Chaos Mutation
13% of 69 decks +12% synergy
13% of 115 decks -3% synergy
Lightning Bolt
13% of 205 decks +2% synergy
Boros Charm
12% of 32 decks -12% synergy
12% of 81 decks +1% synergy
Grapple with the Past
12% of 115 decks +11% synergy
12% of 115 decks +3% synergy
Fell the Profane
11% of 302 decks +3% synergy
11% of 205 decks -0% synergy
Logic Knot
11% of 235 decks +11% synergy
Thought Scour
11% of 235 decks +9% synergy
Drown in the Loch
11% of 235 decks +5% synergy
Fact or Fiction
11% of 235 decks +5% synergy
Waterlogged Teachings
11% of 132 decks +6% synergy
Go for the Throat
10% of 560 decks +3% synergy
Generous Gift
10% of 81 decks -15% synergy
Lim-Dûl's Vault
10% of 235 decks +6% synergy
Spell Pierce
10% of 235 decks +6% synergy
Arcane Denial
10% of 235 decks -10% synergy
An Offer You Can't Refuse
10% of 235 decks -12% synergy
Growth Spiral
9% of 64 decks -13% synergy
Discovery // Dispersal
9% of 235 decks +9% synergy
9% of 235 decks +8% synergy
Mana Leak
9% of 235 decks +7% synergy
Cyclonic Rift
9% of 235 decks -18% synergy
Blood for the Blood God!
9% of 205 decks +6% synergy
9% of 81 decks +3% synergy
9% of 235 decks +3% synergy
8% of 235 decks -1% synergy
8% of 560 decks +4% synergy
Noxious Revival
8% of 115 decks +2% synergy
Withering Torment
8% of 230 decks -0% synergy
Revitalizing Repast
8% of 66 decks -1% synergy
Curtains' Call
8% of 560 decks +6% synergy
Return to Dust
7% of 81 decks +4% synergy
Utter End
7% of 81 decks +1% synergy
7% of 81 decks -8% synergy
25% of 115 decks -9% synergy
Life from the Loam
24% of 115 decks +21% synergy
24% of 115 decks -21% synergy
23% of 235 decks +11% synergy
Faithless Looting
22% of 205 decks +5% synergy
Feed the Swarm
21% of 560 decks +3% synergy
19% of 235 decks +9% synergy
Kodama's Reach
19% of 115 decks -12% synergy
Temporal Trespass
18% of 235 decks +17% synergy
16% of 560 decks +5% synergy
Dread Return
16% of 560 decks +11% synergy
15% of 560 decks -1% synergy
15% of 81 decks -2% synergy
Sign in Blood
14% of 560 decks +4% synergy
Bloodsoaked Insight
13% of 101 decks +10% synergy
Commit // Memory
13% of 235 decks +11% synergy
Ruinous Ultimatum
12% of 32 decks -6% synergy
Unburial Rites
12% of 81 decks +10% synergy
12% of 81 decks -0% synergy
Toxic Deluge
12% of 560 decks -6% synergy
Consign // Oblivion
12% of 235 decks +11% synergy
Three Visits
11% of 115 decks -13% synergy
Nature's Lore
11% of 115 decks -20% synergy
Vanquish the Horde
11% of 81 decks +8% synergy
11% of 205 decks +9% synergy
10% of 115 decks +10% synergy
Austere Command
10% of 81 decks -3% synergy
10% of 560 decks +2% synergy
Demonic Counsel
10% of 236 decks +8% synergy
Maelstrom Pulse
10% of 115 decks +7% synergy
Read the Bones
9% of 560 decks +2% synergy
9% of 235 decks +8% synergy
Sorcerous Squall
9% of 193 decks +9% synergy
Flotsam // Jetsam
9% of 44 decks +9% synergy
Rise of the Witch-king
9% of 111 decks +4% synergy
Serum Visions
9% of 235 decks +5% synergy
Find // Finality
9% of 115 decks +7% synergy
Bala Ged Recovery
9% of 115 decks +0% synergy
Culling Ritual
9% of 115 decks -2% synergy
9% of 81 decks +5% synergy
Living Death
9% of 560 decks +3% synergy
Connive // Concoct
9% of 235 decks +8% synergy
9% of 235 decks -4% synergy
Night's Whisper
8% of 560 decks -1% synergy
8% of 205 decks -7% synergy
Diabolic Tutor
8% of 560 decks +2% synergy
Season of the Burrow
8% of 37 decks +7% synergy
Dead Drop
8% of 560 decks +8% synergy
Decree of Pain
8% of 560 decks +5% synergy
Life // Death
8% of 115 decks +6% synergy
Utility Artifacts
Mind Stone
21% of 560 decks +4% synergy
Swiftfoot Boots
17% of 560 decks -10% synergy
Commander's Sphere
15% of 560 decks +1% synergy
Lightning Greaves
14% of 560 decks -11% synergy
Wayfarer's Bauble
13% of 560 decks +4% synergy
Hedge Shredder
12% of 50 decks +9% synergy
Jet Medallion
10% of 560 decks +7% synergy
Conduit of Worlds
10% of 115 decks +4% synergy
Mardu Banner
9% of 32 decks +8% synergy
Sultai Banner
6% of 64 decks +6% synergy
6% of 560 decks -6% synergy
Whip of Erebos
6% of 560 decks +3% synergy
Sensei's Divining Top
6% of 560 decks +1% synergy
Whispersilk Cloak
6% of 560 decks +2% synergy
The Cauldron of Eternity
5% of 560 decks +5% synergy
The Great Henge
5% of 115 decks -5% synergy
Mesmeric Orb
5% of 560 decks +4% synergy
Bontu's Monument
5% of 560 decks +3% synergy
The Skullspore Nexus
5% of 99 decks +2% synergy
Titans' Nest
20% of 64 decks +20% synergy
Warstorm Surge
17% of 205 decks +12% synergy
Phyrexian Arena
16% of 560 decks +0% synergy
Deadbridge Chant
12% of 115 decks +10% synergy
Liliana's Contract
12% of 560 decks +11% synergy
Smoke Shroud
11% of 235 decks +11% synergy
Animate Dead
11% of 560 decks +2% synergy
Rhystic Study
10% of 235 decks -17% synergy
Up the Beanstalk
10% of 103 decks +6% synergy
Unholy Annex // Ritual Chamber
10% of 230 decks +8% synergy
Mystic Remora
9% of 235 decks -8% synergy
Rakdos Joins Up
9% of 112 decks +6% synergy
Crawling Infestation
9% of 115 decks +8% synergy
Wild Growth
9% of 115 decks -2% synergy
Arcane Adaptation
9% of 235 decks +7% synergy
Insidious Roots
8% of 84 decks +3% synergy
Aqueous Form
8% of 235 decks +4% synergy
Leyline Binding
7% of 81 decks +7% synergy
Blind Obedience
7% of 81 decks +1% synergy
Crawling Sensation
7% of 115 decks +6% synergy
Sneak Attack
7% of 205 decks +4% synergy
Search for Azcanta
6% of 235 decks +5% synergy
The Ruinous Powers
6% of 205 decks +5% synergy
Ghostly Prison
6% of 81 decks -5% synergy
Walk-In Closet // Forgotten Cellar
6% of 49 decks +3% synergy
Moldervine Cloak
6% of 115 decks +6% synergy
Crop Sigil
6% of 115 decks +6% synergy
Pernicious Deed
6% of 115 decks +4% synergy
Greater Good
6% of 115 decks +1% synergy
Havoc Festival
6% of 205 decks +5% synergy
The Lost and the Damned
6% of 69 decks +4% synergy
The Horus Heresy
6% of 69 decks +4% synergy
Cemetery Tampering
6% of 560 decks +4% synergy
Ripples of Undeath
6% of 299 decks +1% synergy
Journey to Eternity
5% of 115 decks +2% synergy
Utopia Sprawl
5% of 115 decks -3% synergy
Garruk's Uprising
5% of 115 decks -11% synergy
Wrenn and Six
14% of 28 decks +13% synergy
Grist, the Hunger Tide
9% of 115 decks +5% synergy
Kaito, Bane of Nightmares
8% of 106 decks +7% synergy
Tamiyo, Collector of Tales
8% of 64 decks +7% synergy
Kaya, Orzhov Usurper
6% of 81 decks +6% synergy
The Wandering Emperor
6% of 81 decks +5% synergy
Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord
6% of 81 decks +4% synergy
Ashiok, Dream Render
6% of 235 decks +2% synergy
Zariel, Archduke of Avernus
6% of 205 decks +5% synergy
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
6% of 69 decks +4% synergy
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
6% of 235 decks +4% synergy
Kaito Shizuki
6% of 235 decks +4% synergy
Ob Nixilis, the Adversary
5% of 205 decks +4% synergy
Ob Nixilis Reignited
5% of 560 decks +4% synergy
Wrenn and Realmbreaker
5% of 115 decks +3% synergy
Utility Lands
Bojuka Bog
24% of 560 decks -5% synergy
Rogue's Passage
17% of 560 decks -3% synergy
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
16% of 560 decks +7% synergy
Celestial Colonnade
15% of 26 decks +14% synergy
Reliquary Tower
15% of 560 decks -15% synergy
Kessig Wolf Run
14% of 28 decks -2% synergy
Cabal Coffers
13% of 560 decks +3% synergy
Mystic Sanctuary
11% of 235 decks -0% synergy
Tranquil Thicket
11% of 115 decks +8% synergy
Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
11% of 81 decks +3% synergy
Barren Moor
11% of 560 decks +7% synergy
Creeping Tar Pit
11% of 235 decks +8% synergy
Forgotten Cave
11% of 205 decks +6% synergy
Temple of the False God
11% of 560 decks +1% synergy
Dryad Arbor
10% of 115 decks +6% synergy
Halimar Depths
10% of 235 decks +7% synergy
Spinerock Knoll
10% of 205 decks +6% synergy
Dakmor Salvage
9% of 560 decks +7% synergy
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
9% of 560 decks -1% synergy
Mortuary Mire
9% of 560 decks +4% synergy
Otawara, Soaring City
9% of 235 decks -7% synergy
Witch's Cottage
9% of 560 decks +5% synergy
Alchemist's Refuge
8% of 64 decks +1% synergy
Nephalia Drownyard
8% of 235 decks +5% synergy
Castle Vantress
8% of 235 decks +4% synergy
Shambling Vent
7% of 81 decks +6% synergy
Vault of the Archangel
7% of 81 decks -4% synergy
7% of 217 decks +3% synergy
Cephalid Coliseum
7% of 235 decks +4% synergy
Restless Reef
7% of 184 decks +4% synergy
Molten Slagheap
6% of 205 decks +5% synergy
Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
6% of 205 decks +2% synergy
Restless Vents
6% of 142 decks +4% synergy
Hall of Heliod's Generosity
6% of 81 decks -0% synergy
Boseiju, Who Endures
6% of 115 decks -13% synergy
Shizo, Death's Storehouse
6% of 560 decks +1% synergy
Wandering Fumarole
6% of 69 decks +5% synergy
Restless Spire
6% of 52 decks +4% synergy
Castle Locthwain
6% of 560 decks +1% synergy
Phyrexian Tower
5% of 560 decks -3% synergy
Svogthos, the Restless Tomb
5% of 115 decks +5% synergy
Access Tunnel
5% of 560 decks +3% synergy
Lonely Sandbar
5% of 235 decks +2% synergy
Mana Artifacts
Sol Ring
66% of 560 decks -19% synergy
Arcane Signet
49% of 560 decks -23% synergy
Rakdos Signet
40% of 205 decks +11% synergy
Talisman of Creativity
39% of 69 decks +10% synergy
Talisman of Dominance
34% of 235 decks +1% synergy
Talisman of Indulgence
31% of 205 decks +4% synergy
Dimir Signet
31% of 235 decks +2% synergy
Izzet Signet
28% of 69 decks -0% synergy
Orzhov Signet
25% of 81 decks -2% synergy
Talisman of Progress
23% of 26 decks -1% synergy
Talisman of Hierarchy
22% of 81 decks -3% synergy
Azorius Signet
19% of 26 decks -6% synergy
Simic Signet
19% of 64 decks +5% synergy
Talisman of Conviction
19% of 32 decks -5% synergy
Golgari Signet
17% of 115 decks +5% synergy
Fellwar Stone
17% of 560 decks -4% synergy
Boros Signet
16% of 32 decks -7% synergy
Charcoal Diamond
13% of 560 decks +8% synergy
Thought Vessel
12% of 560 decks -5% synergy
Talisman of Resilience
10% of 115 decks -2% synergy
Relic of Sauron
10% of 58 decks +2% synergy
Talisman of Curiosity
9% of 64 decks -4% synergy
Worn Powerstone
9% of 560 decks +6% synergy
Fire Diamond
9% of 205 decks +4% synergy
Chromatic Lantern
7% of 560 decks -3% synergy
Sky Diamond
6% of 235 decks +1% synergy
Obelisk of Grixis
6% of 69 decks +5% synergy
Thran Dynamo
6% of 560 decks +1% synergy
Command Tower
59% of 560 decks -15% synergy
Crumbling Necropolis
52% of 69 decks +21% synergy
Sunken Hollow
44% of 235 decks +9% synergy
Hallowed Fountain
42% of 26 decks +2% synergy
Opulent Palace
41% of 64 decks +14% synergy
Drowned Catacomb
40% of 235 decks +13% synergy
Hinterland Harbor
39% of 64 decks +10% synergy
Raffine's Tower
38% of 26 decks +12% synergy
Woodland Cemetery
37% of 115 decks +8% synergy
Smoldering Marsh
37% of 205 decks +4% synergy
Watery Grave
36% of 235 decks -4% synergy
Breeding Pool
36% of 64 decks -5% synergy
Foreboding Landscape
35% of 34 decks +27% synergy
Overgrown Tomb
35% of 115 decks -7% synergy
Dragonskull Summit
34% of 205 decks +2% synergy
Zagoth Triome
33% of 64 decks +3% synergy
Blood Crypt
32% of 205 decks -6% synergy
Stomping Ground
32% of 28 decks -8% synergy
Xander's Lounge
30% of 69 decks +5% synergy
Raugrin Triome
30% of 10 decks +4% synergy
Foreboding Ruins
30% of 205 decks +14% synergy
Steam Vents
29% of 69 decks -9% synergy
Savage Lands
29% of 28 decks +5% synergy
Caves of Koilos
28% of 81 decks -1% synergy
Indatha Triome
28% of 18 decks -2% synergy
Temple Garden
28% of 18 decks -12% synergy
Underground River
28% of 235 decks +7% synergy
Godless Shrine
27% of 81 decks -13% synergy
Adarkar Wastes
27% of 26 decks +8% synergy
Arcane Sanctum
27% of 26 decks -1% synergy
Llanowar Wastes
26% of 115 decks +0% synergy
Temple of Silence
26% of 81 decks +8% synergy
Rakdos Carnarium
26% of 205 decks +12% synergy
Golgari Rot Farm
25% of 115 decks +7% synergy
Choked Estuary
25% of 235 decks +9% synergy
Savai Triome
25% of 32 decks -1% synergy
Yavimaya Coast
25% of 64 decks -2% synergy
Nomad Outpost
25% of 32 decks -3% synergy
Ziatora's Proving Ground
25% of 28 decks -5% synergy
Temple of Malady
24% of 115 decks +8% synergy
Isolated Chapel
23% of 81 decks -6% synergy
Sulfurous Springs
23% of 205 decks +2% synergy
Glacial Fortress
23% of 26 decks -4% synergy
Exotic Orchard
23% of 560 decks -13% synergy
Orzhov Basilica
22% of 81 decks +6% synergy
Sandsteppe Citadel
22% of 18 decks -3% synergy
Evolving Wilds
22% of 560 decks +1% synergy
Bloodfell Caves
22% of 205 decks +15% synergy
Temple of Malice
22% of 205 decks +8% synergy
Battlefield Forge
22% of 32 decks -4% synergy