Blast from the Past Upgrades for The Sixth Doctor-Barbara Wright

Ace, Fearless Rebel
Cut from 100% of decks
Bessie, the Doctor's Roadster
Cut from 100% of decks
Duggan, Private Detective
Cut from 100% of decks
Gallifrey Stands
Cut from 100% of decks
Heroes' Podium
Cut from 100% of decks
Cut from 100% of decks
The Fifth Doctor
Cut from 100% of decks
The First Doctor
Cut from 100% of decks
The Third Doctor
Cut from 100% of decks
The War Games
Cut from 100% of decks
Ian Chesterton
Cut from 50% of decks
The Eighth Doctor
Cut from 50% of decks
Ace's Baseball Bat
Cut from 50% of decks
Adric, Mathematical Genius
Cut from 50% of decks
Banish to Another Universe
Cut from 50% of decks
Crisis of Conscience
Cut from 50% of decks
Day of Destiny
Cut from 50% of decks
Cut from 50% of decks
Five Hundred Year Diary
Cut from 50% of decks
Hero's Blade
Cut from 50% of decks
Jo Grant
Cut from 50% of decks