(Triad of FatesTriad of Fates | Art by Daarken)
Tempting Fate
Hello, and welcome back to Conditions Allow, the article series where we build around legendary creatures with a drawback and try to turn it into a strength. This week I'm talking about an underappreciated legend from the original Theros block. Or rather, a legendary trio, since Triad of FatesTriad of Fates works best as a team. In homage to the three Fates of Greek mythology, Triad of FatesTriad of Fates has three activated abilities. The second two rely on activating the first, and all three require the Fates to tap. This makes the cadence of the Fates naturally very slow and easy to predict. But just because our opponents can see their future coming doesn't mean that they'll be able to avoid it.
There is no removal more permanent than exile. Having the ability to remove any creature on the board, especially when it's found in the command zone, is powerful, and your opponents will likely be wary of your commander, no matter how slow it is. I don't want to focus on flickering our own creatures, either, since there are better commanders for that. I think Triad of FatesTriad of Fates's true potential lies in its third ability, but not necessarily from the exile. Letting other players draw cards is the foundation of a the Group Hug archetype in EDH. I've never seen an Orzhov Group Hug deck, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. Before diving into free hugs, however, we're going to need a way to speed up Fate, or we'll be left behind.
Foresight is 20/20
That is, of course, assuming we don't have access to any other Magic cards. But we have access to 99 of the best ones we can find. First on my list are Thousand-Year ElixirThousand-Year Elixir and Magewright's StoneMagewright's Stone. Both of these let us untap Triad of FatesTriad of Fates for a single mana, once a turn. Thousand-Year ElixirThousand-Year Elixir even gives our commander pseudo-haste, letting us use their ability as quickly as possible. This is extra valuable for Triad of FatesTriad of Fates since it is naturally slow.
Another valuable effect for our commander is PanharmoniconPanharmonicon. We can only flicker one creature at a time, and usually not even every turn. Doubling the effect that creature has when it enters is extra important to help us keep up with the rest of the table. Creatures like PlaguecrafterPlaguecrafter and Ravenous ChupacabraRavenous Chupacabra make sure we don't get left behind by faster decks, while Wall of OmensWall of Omens and Gonti, Lord of LuxuryGonti, Lord of Luxury ensure we find all the answers that we need.
We can also take a page from Seedborn MuseSeedborn Muse's book and try to untap our commander during every turn. Unwinding ClockUnwinding Clock makes this possible, either paired with Thousand-Year ElixirThousand-Year Elixir or Mycosynth LatticeMycosynth Lattice. Mycosynth LatticeMycosynth Lattice actually does turn Unwinding ClockUnwinding Clock into Seedborn MuseSeedborn Muse, as all our lands will be artifacts, as well. This ensures that we have the mana to activate Triad of FatesTriad of Fates every turn, and really puts our strategy into motion.
Keep Your Friends Close
To play Group Hug, we're going to rely on Triad of FatesTriad of Fates' third ability to let other players draw cards. Rather than try to mitigate the card disadvantage with effects like OppressionOppression and Kambal, Consul of AllocationKambal, Consul of Allocation, I want to lean into it. Besides, Triad of FatesTriad of Fates naturally embodies that sort of give and take. In order to let a player draw cards, we're going to have to exile a creature they control.
But exiling our opponents' valuable creatures is decidedly not in the spirit of Group Hug, so we're going to need to give them something a little more expendable. Genesis ChamberGenesis Chamber is great in this role. The extra Myr tokens Genesis ChamberGenesis Chamber creates are perfect fodder for exiling with Triad of FatesTriad of Fates, and the Chamber provides us with plentiful chump blockers if any aggression comes our way. Forbidden OrchardForbidden Orchard is another way to give away tokens, but the real powerhouses are Hunted HorrorHunted Horror and Hunted LammasuHunted Lammasu. Whenever these creatures enter the field, an opponent gets two 3/3s or a 4/4, respectively. These are not only free creatures to exile and provide card draw, they are relevant in combat. Playing politics and setting our opponents against each other is an important ability for a Group Hug deck to have, and both Hunted creatures do exactly what we need.
While we're giving players 4/4s to throw around, we can make sure that no one has to die from combat damage. Arbiter of KnollridgeArbiter of Knollridge seems like a great way to keep important players alive. Enslaved HorrorEnslaved Horror can revive everyone's favorite creatures, and it keeps the game moving at a decent pace through the most egregious of creature removal. Finally, Blinkmoth UrnBlinkmoth Urn helps ramp everyone at the table, but should ramp us the most. Smothering TitheSmothering Tithe creates a lot of artifacts, especially when you are giving other players extra chances to draw cards.
Speaking of Smothering TitheSmothering Tithe, I also want to mention Alms CollectorAlms Collector. This Bird Cleric is a superstar in mono-white decks, and it makes sure that we get to draw cards with Triad of FatesTriad of Fates's ability too. Ob Nixilis, the Hate-TwistedOb Nixilis, the Hate-Twisted, on the other hand, is a mini version of our commander. It helps us trade creatures for cards, but more explicitly punishes our opponents for those cards. Normally, this damage should stack up slowly, but as we begin to activate Triad of FatesTriad of Fates more and more, it will start to stack up. If we can exile enough creatures at once with Triad of FatesTriad of Fates, Ob Nixilis might even become a win condition.
And Your Enemies Closer
I've already mentioned Village Bell-RingerVillage Bell-Ringer and PanharmoniconPanharmonicon, both of which help kick our commander into gear. They also form the core of a combo that mills our opponents out. First, though, we're going to need the rest of the pieces. Restoration AngelRestoration Angel and Felidar GuardianFelidar Guardian are key pieces, as well as either Thousand-Year ElixirThousand-Year Elixir or Crashing DrawbridgeCrashing Drawbridge.
With Village Bell-RingerVillage Bell-Ringer in your hand, and all the other pieces in play, you can tap Triad of FatesTriad of Fates to put a fate counter on Restoration AngelRestoration Angel, then cast Village Bell-RingerVillage Bell-Ringer to untap Triad of FatesTriad of Fates and use them to flicker Restoration AngelRestoration Angel. As Restoration AngelRestoration Angel reenters the field, it will exile Triad of FatesTriad of Fates and Village Bell-RingerVillage Bell-Ringer. When they reenter, use Crashing DrawbridgeCrashing Drawbridge to give Triad of FatesTriad of Fates haste, and activate it before each of the untap triggers from Village Bell-RingerVillage Bell-Ringer, flickering Restoration AngelRestoration Angel to continue the loop.
As described, this combo will get you infinite enters-the-battlefield triggers which allows you to win with a Corpse KnightCorpse Knight or Altar of the BroodAltar of the Brood in play. By adding in Felidar GuardianFelidar Guardian and Hunted LammasuHunted Lammasu, as well, we have the ability to mill our opponents with Triad of FatesTriad of Fates' exile ability. This works by having Restoration AngelRestoration Angel instead target Felidar GuardianFelidar Guardian and Hunted LammasuHunted Lammasu. Felidar GuardianFelidar Guardian will then target Triad of FatesTriad of Fates and Village Bell-RingerVillage Bell-Ringer, while Hunted LammasuHunted Lammasu provides the creatures for our commander to exile.
Each loop gives us the chance to activate Triad of FatesTriad of Fates three times: once before the first Village Bell-RingerVillage Bell-Ringer trigger, once before the second, and once after the second. That is exactly enough to place a fate counter on Restoration AngelRestoration Angel, a fate counter on the token created by Hunted LammasuHunted Lammasu, and then flicker Restoration AngelRestoration Angel to continue the loop. Once each opponent has enough tokens with fate counters, we can then instead exile them and mill each opponent as they draw through their deck.
The final piece of the loop is the mana to pay for all those Triad of FatesTriad of Fates activations. The solution is simply to play artifact creatures that tap for mana. Myr are excellent candidates, as they feed into our backup win condition, Myr BattlesphereMyr Battlesphere. The damage potential from Myr BattlesphereMyr Battlesphere can take opponents off guard, especially in conjunction with PanharmoniconPanharmonicon and Anointed ProcessionAnointed Procession. We're not playing many other token-producers, but I think Smothering TitheSmothering Tithe and Myr BattlesphereMyr Battlesphere are good enough reasons to include it.
Facing the Unavoidable
A few final cards I want to mention are Daxos, Blessed by the SunDaxos, Blessed by the Sun and Authority of the ConsulsAuthority of the Consuls. Both of these cards help pad our life total against the tokens we give out. This helps Arbiter of KnollridgeArbiter of Knollridge always have a good target and ensures that we survive long enough to put our combo together or to find an Eldrazi DisplacerEldrazi Displacer and realize that there is a much simpler way to get infinite Triad of FatesTriad of Fates activations with Village Bell-RingerVillage Bell-Ringer and a couple of mana dorks.
We also need to be prepared for whatever our opponents are doing. Letting them draw cards means that they'll be trying to win the game quickly. Wraths are our best friend, so we're playing the best we can find. Wrath of GodWrath of God and Toxic DelugeToxic Deluge are both cheap to cast, while Austere CommandAustere Command presents extra flexibility. DesparkDespark and Anguished UnmakingAnguished Unmaking are both additional sources of exile if we need to hit non-creature permanents.
Season to taste with card draw, a couple tutors, and ramp, and we get a final decklist.
Triad of Fates
View on ArchidektCommander (1)
- 1 Triad of FatesTriad of Fates
Creatures (25)
- 1 Alloy MyrAlloy Myr
- 1 Alms CollectorAlms Collector
- 1 Arbiter of KnollridgeArbiter of Knollridge
- 1 Clackbridge TrollClackbridge Troll
- 1 Corpse KnightCorpse Knight
- 1 Crashing DrawbridgeCrashing Drawbridge
- 1 Dusk Legion ZealotDusk Legion Zealot
- 1 Eldrazi DisplacerEldrazi Displacer
- 1 Enslaved HorrorEnslaved Horror
- 1 Felidar GuardianFelidar Guardian
- 1 Gold MyrGold Myr
- 1 Gonti, Lord of LuxuryGonti, Lord of Luxury
- 1 Hunted HorrorHunted Horror
- 1 Hunted LammasuHunted Lammasu
- 1 Leaden MyrLeaden Myr
- 1 Mentor of the MeekMentor of the Meek
- 1 Myr BattlesphereMyr Battlesphere
- 1 Palladium MyrPalladium Myr
- 1 Plague MyrPlague Myr
- 1 PlaguecrafterPlaguecrafter
- 1 Ravenous ChupacabraRavenous Chupacabra
- 1 Restoration AngelRestoration Angel
- 1 Solemn SimulacrumSolemn Simulacrum
- 1 Village Bell-RingerVillage Bell-Ringer
- 1 Wall of OmensWall of Omens
Sorceries (11)
- 1 Alliance of ArmsAlliance of Arms
- 1 Austere CommandAustere Command
- 1 Beseech the QueenBeseech the Queen
- 1 Dark PetitionDark Petition
- 1 Diabolic IntentDiabolic Intent
- 1 Night's WhisperNight's Whisper
- 1 Read the BonesRead the Bones
- 1 RoutRout
- 1 Sign in BloodSign in Blood
- 1 Toxic DelugeToxic Deluge
- 1 Wrath of GodWrath of God
Enchantments (5)
- 1 Anointed ProcessionAnointed Procession
- 1 Authority of the ConsulsAuthority of the Consuls
- 1 Daxos, Blessed by the SunDaxos, Blessed by the Sun
- 1 Phyrexian ArenaPhyrexian Arena
- 1 Smothering TitheSmothering Tithe
Instants (6)
- 1 Anguished UnmakingAnguished Unmaking
- 1 Benevolent OfferingBenevolent Offering
- 1 DesparkDespark
- 1 Path to ExilePath to Exile
- 1 Return to DustReturn to Dust
- 1 Swords to PlowsharesSwords to Plowshares
Planeswalkers (1)
- 1 Ob Nixilis, the Hate-TwistedOb Nixilis, the Hate-Twisted
Artifacts (13)
- 1 Blinkmoth UrnBlinkmoth Urn
- 1 Expedition MapExpedition Map
- 1 Genesis ChamberGenesis Chamber
- 1 Liquimetal CoatingLiquimetal Coating
- 1 Magewright's StoneMagewright's Stone
- 1 Mycosynth LatticeMycosynth Lattice
- 1 Oblivion StoneOblivion Stone
- 1 Orzhov SignetOrzhov Signet
- 1 PanharmoniconPanharmonicon
- 1 Sol RingSol Ring
- 1 Talisman of HierarchyTalisman of Hierarchy
- 1 Thousand-Year ElixirThousand-Year Elixir
- 1 Unwinding ClockUnwinding Clock
Lands (38)
- 1 Buried RuinBuried Ruin
- 1 Cabal CoffersCabal Coffers
- 1 Command TowerCommand Tower
- 1 Evolving WildsEvolving Wilds
- 1 Forbidden OrchardForbidden Orchard
- 1 Geier Reach SanitariumGeier Reach Sanitarium
- 1 Godless ShrineGodless Shrine
- 1 Inventors' FairInventors' Fair
- 1 Isolated ChapelIsolated Chapel
- 1 Mikokoro, Center of the SeaMikokoro, Center of the Sea
- 11 PlainsPlains
- 1 Reliquary TowerReliquary Tower
- 13 SwampSwamp
- 1 Temple of SilenceTemple of Silence
- 1 Terramorphic ExpanseTerramorphic Expanse
- 1 Urborg, Tomb of YawgmothUrborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
Triad of FatesTriad of Fates really took me by surprise while building it. I expected them to be slow, unwieldy, and uninteresting. Instead, I found a fun commander with unique options in their color combination. The Group Hug EDHREC Theme page is dominated by Blue and Green cards. Of the few White and Black cards present, I included almost none. I think my favorite cards for this deck are Hunted LammasuHunted Lammasu and Hunted HorrorHunted Horror. They're what really make the Group Hug strategy work, and they are both strong creatures in their own right. A two-mana 7/7 with trample should never be underestimated.
But what do you think? Have you thought about building Triad of FatesTriad of Fates before? Let me know how you would play them in the comments, and thanks for reading!
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