The 600 - Predicting the Popularity of Forgotten Realms Commanders
Which commanders from the D&D set will become the most popular?
Ranking Every Equipment with EDHREC – Part 15: One Hundred Followed by a Million Zeros
Ranking every Equipment in EDH using EDHREC!
Too-Specific Top 10 - Instead...
We didn't want to actually draw those cards anyway! Doug ranks draw replacements in EDH!
Reconstruct History — Mind's Eye
Trent uses his mind's eye to evaluate the data on Mind's Eye!
Challenge the Stats – Restless Dreams
Looking for an underplayed gem? Jevin's dreaming of a very restless card....
Ranking Every Equipment with EDHREC – Part 14: Give Me a Kall-dra
Ranking every Equipment in EDH using EDHREC!
Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Set Review - Gold
We've reached the treasure at end of the dungeon! Let's talk about all these GOLD cards!
Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Set Review – Artifacts and Lands
Let's explore some Forgotten Realms, and see what magical artifacts we can find!
Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Set Review - White
How did the white cards fare in Magic's new D&D set?