Party Time - Precon Primer

Scrap Trawlers
Scrap Trawlers
Party Time - Precon Primer

Hello again! This is Bert from the Scrap Trawlers where we do EDH on a budget. I’m back again to take a look at the Party Time Pre constructed deck that hails from the set Commander’s Legend: Battle for Baldur’s Gate. As usual we will go over how it plays, it’s strengths and weaknesses, which new cards are worth looking at and what reprints are going to be needed for our collection. Let’s get started!


The Basics


Our commander for this deck is going to be Nalia De’ArniseNalia De’Arnise giving us access to Orzhov colors for our deck building needs. Nalia brings back the Party mechanic that was first introduced in Zendikar Rising. This mechanic gives us a lot of flexibility in deck building as we have a multitude of creatures to choose from that fall into the desired creature types. With that being said, We have a premium on Clerics, Rogues, Warriors, and Wizards when looking for things to cast from our hand. With an astounding 44 creatures in the initial shell, we have more than enough creatures to get the party started. Let’s take a look at the deck list. 


Party Time Precon

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Commander (1)

Sorceries (5)

Creatures (44)

Lands (37)

Instants (3)

Artifacts (7)

Enchantments (3)

Nalia de'Arnise



Looking at the decklist we have some awesome support for our party focused deck. A bit light on the ramp in my opinion for a non green deck but our average mana value of the deck makes it so that we will have a better chance to cast our spells on curve so we can get the party together in a jiffy! Let’s take a look at what this part has to offer!


Checking the list

Black Market Connections
Sevinne's Reclamation
Grim Hireling

Taking stock of what we have in our deck, we are working with some awesome utility creatures as well as some great enhancers when it comes to artifacts and enchantments. Each creature chosen for the list has a creature type relevant to the Party mechanic. Some of the includes on their own may not be power houses but this is a deck that functions by having our commander empower our board while our utility creatures provide us with value for doing what the deck wants to. Grim HirelingGrim Hireling is a great example to start. Grim Hireling prospers off the deathtouch that Nalia provides when we have a full party. This gives our opponent an ultimatum of losing a creature or allowing us to make a ton of treasures. Black Market ConnectionsBlack Market Connections was one of the chase cards from this set of commander decks and for good reasons. The amount of options this card provides gives you an amazing amount of value. The changeling in our deck has a bit more of a premium on it as it can fill a slot in our party whatever it may be. One of my favorite recursion cards is Sevinne’s ReclamationSevinne’s Reclamation having an immediate effect on the first use and making a copy of itself on the second use. 

Next, lets go over some cards that weren’t the main focus of some players but still have a major effect on the game. Maskwood NexusMaskwood Nexus gives us the option to enable our party buff easier by just having 4 creatures instead of having to have specific creature types. Maskwood Nexus also has the benefit of being able to produce a creature token to widen our board. Harper RecruiterHarper Recruiter gives us some great card selection as we attack. Burakos, Party LeaderBurakos, Party Leader is also another great card that provides us with some residual damages as well as those all in important treasures. 


What’s the vibe of the party


This is an aggressive deck that wants to flood the board with creatures that meet the requirements to enable our party effect. After we have the creature we want to get the board powered up so that we can overtake the red zone and force some trades in our favor. Some of the lower cost creatures get started earlier in the game so you can get the most out of Nalia’s effect. Once we get higher up the mana value curve we start to get some amazing effects like Squad CommanderSquad Commander and Calculating LichCalculating Lich. The deck is resilient as it has some ways to get creatures and cards out of the graveyard Solemn DoomguideSolemn Doomguide to make sure you can meet your Party requirement. Overall the deck runs smooth and may just need a bit more ramp so that you can get more of your board out sooner and more effectively.


Last Call


The Party Time Precon is a really well made deck. The cards includes have a great synergy that builds upon itself when Nalia comes out. Some of my favorite reprints that were included are going to be Selfless spirit, Skullclamp and Grim Hireling. What do you think about the Party time Precon.

Come back again to check out our upgrade articles that will give you a bunch of recommendations on cards you can use to power up your army of choice. Dont forget to check out the Scrap Trawlers on Youtube as well as our Twitch. Hope to see you all again soon!


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