atraxa praetors voice
The Toolbox - Earnest Fellowship
Only 100 decks play this card, and earnestly, that's not enough.
Too-Specific Top 10 - Evergreen, Schmevergreen
Which non-evergreen keywords appear on the most popular legends?
Ravnica Allegiance Set Review – Simic
Simic Ascendancy by Izzy (@izzymedrano) Welcome to the Combine Hey readers! I am super stoked to be writing the Simic review for Ravnica Allegiance! If I had to pick a single guild that best represents me as a person, it's most deifnitely the Simic Combine, full of aquatic organisms, a desire to explore and experiment, […]
In the Margins — Explosive Vegetation
Currently, there are 24,011 decks in the EDHREC database running and not a single one of them should have it as part of the 99. Welcome back to In the Margins, a periodic column where I say that 24,000+ decks are doing it wrong, because if there's one thing I've learned about people on the Internet […]
General Medicine — HiveWalker Unholy Alliance!
Doing the rounds! This time, the Doctor has found a very special spicy brew to go under the cutting knife. It's a hybrid brew of slivers and super friends! The deck is helmed by and comes to us from reader Cowboy Kyle. He writes that the deck has been fun to play but it rarely […]
EDH Political Science — Atraxa in a Pantsuit
In politics, everything is a weapon to be used against you. Each picture unravels your personality, each statement twisted to abomination, and each decision you make could be your last. In Magic: The Gathering, each card you draw brings you closer to the bottom, each attacking creature leaves you vulnerable, and each spell could be […]
Non-Basically Speaking — Atraxa, Praetors' Voice
Hello friends and fellow brewmasters, welcome back to EDHREC and the second installment of Non-Basically Speaking. This article series strives to identify non-basic lands that could be recognized as valuable staples or hidden gems in accordance with their visibility on EDHREC. Assuming that the average reader has successfully tuned their decks with regards to mana […]