mirror entity
Technically Playable - Takeno, Samurai General
Try your hand at a a mono-white Samurai deck!
Pet Project: Unnatural Selection
Build a Slivers EDH deck with an unusual twist and a secret commander.
Nearly Identical - Edgar or Edgar?
Edgar vs Edgar! How do you build these vampiric EDH decks?
Pieces of the Puzzle - Party Time
Just how many combos can you fit into the new Party Time precon?
Too-Specific Top 10 - Evolving More
Can Doug construct a deck entirely from his Too-Specific Top 10s?
Too-Specific Top 10 - Everything in the Kitchen Sink
Need a place to put your infinite mana? Let's check out some mana sinks!
Mind Bend - Spymaster of Mardu
An Edric deck... but in Mardu? Jeremy's got some weird stuff brewing in this Mind Bend.
Ultra Budget Brews - Alesha, Who Smiles At Death
Alesha's defenders are very offensive
General Medicine — HiveWalker Unholy Alliance!
Doing the rounds! This time, the Doctor has found a very special spicy brew to go under the cutting knife. It's a hybrid brew of slivers and super friends! The deck is helmed by [card]Sliver Hivelord[/card] and comes to us from reader Cowboy Kyle. He writes that the deck has been fun to play but […]