children of korlis

Underdog's Corner - Licia, Sanguine Tribune

Underdog's Corner - Licia, Sanguine Tribune

Mason Brantley
Mason Brantley
Licia is underplayed, underappreciated, and undergoing a life-changing revolution!
Underdog's Corner — Evra, Halcyon Witness

Underdog's Corner — Evra, Halcyon Witness

Mason Brantley
Mason Brantley
The Start of a New Age Hello everyone and welcome back to your favorite spotlight series for the under-appreciated! If you have never read this column, welcome! There are many reasons why a commander could be under-appreciated: it could be because of obsolescence, or it's too expensive, or maybe it could be because of narrowness. […]
Dig Through Time — Time Spiral

Dig Through Time — Time Spiral

Dean Gootee
Dean Gootee
Maybe you've noticed a theme in my last two columns. First we did Future Sight. Then we visited Planar Chaos. Hm, is this a pattern? Yes, we've been doing Time Spiral block in reverse, and that means that today we're going to the past to visit the set that kicked off this crazy block. In addition to bringing […]