A Companion Retrospective - Underplayed Companion Matches
Find your new favorite Companion from Ikoria: Lair of the Behemoths to keep you company in your Commander games.
EDHRECast Ep99 - High Variance Commanders vs Low Variance Commanders ft. Commander Cookout
EDHREC is joined by Commander Cookout to discuss the "Spiciest" commanders in all of EDH - the commanders with the highest and lowest degrees of variance within their decks! Which features cause a commander's deck to look similar to others, and which qualities make that commander's 99 unpredictable? Check out CCO at ENTER […]
Historically Speaking - Worldslayer, Regeneration, and the Power of History
Where we put one card under the magnifying glass of history to unlock new strategies!
General Medicine - Crouching Cromat, Hidden Zedruu
The Doctor is In Welcome back to the doctor's office! Before we get to this week's patient, I want to extend another thank you to everyone who has sent in decks since my previous article, I often get very good submissions, but the ones sent in now have been delivered by prospective patients who have […]
News — Change to the legendary rule
The Bearer of News This week we were hammered with a barrage of Magic-related news ranging from changes to the banned/restricted list for Vintage to coverage of the Ixalan leaks from earlier in the summer. Snuggled cozily in between all of that, however, is probably the most EDH relevant bit of information: "Starting with this […]